WCSA Vacancies Announcement

WCSA (student government) is seeking to fill vacancies for two Senator positions, three Class Representative positions (one for the class of 2021, one for the class of 2022, and one for the class of 2020), and two Inclusion Representative positions.

Responsibilities for Class Representatives and Senators include attending the full senate meeting every Monday at 12:05 p.m. and attending a weekly meeting for a second committee that you will be assigned to (at a time determined by that committee). In addition to those two meetings, Inclusion Representatives attend a weekly SIAC meeting Wednesdays at noon.

Please note that the Inclusion Representative application requires two letters of recommendation. The details about this are included in the SIAC rec letter form. (Those applying to become Senators or Class Representatives can disregard this form.)

Class Rep. Application: https://forms.gle/hBFbpvW49PgwGxqF8.

Senator Application: https://forms.gle/sedoKM62DMg4QjQW8.

Inclusion Rep. Application: https://forms.gle/DzRuknkWoGSTz3x1A.

SIAC Rec. Letter: https://forms.gle/J61yz68rwQMZAC8o6.

All forms, including the form for letters of recommendation, will close this Saturday, Sept. 7, at noon.

After the forms close, you will be invited to attend our Senate meeting on Sept. 9 in Corns Building, room 312 at 12:05 p.m., to present your application to the Senate.

We thank you for your interest in student government! If you have any questions, please reach out to the Secretary (contact information below).

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs.
Contact: Brandon Stevens at brstevens@owu.edu.