Study Abroad Next Fall — Info Meeting Today!

Want to study away (abroad or domestic programs) for 19/FA?

Get started now — The Study Away Information Presentation is on-line here: . It’ll take about an hour.

This presentation gives you important information about the selection of a program, applying for OWU off-campus leave permission, transferring credit, billing and financial aid, and other considerations for studying away. After you complete it, you can proceed with your OWU Off-Campus Leave Application.

The deadline for the first step of the process, the OWU off-campus Leave Application, for 20/FA is 15 February.

General Information can be found at: OWU Off-Campus Study:

Also — there will be a Study Away 101 meeting this Thurs., 15 Nov., at noon in Merrick 106. Time to get an overview, ask questions, etc.

We want to make study away happen for you!

(Students interested in Wesleyan in Washington should contact Prof. Michael Esler directly.)

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection Programs / IOCP.
Contact: Darrell Albon at