TODAY @ noon – Pray the Rosary in Peale Chapel!

Did you know the Rosary has been referred to the weapon of our time? However, it is not actually used against anyone in a physical manner. Rather it is a spiritual weapon, “a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight, to preserve the integrity of life, to acquire virtue more easily, and in a word to attain real peace among men.” (Pope Pius XI, “Ingravescentibus Malis”, 1937 A.D.).

In need of prayers? Do you have special intentions that you would like to pray for? Bring it to the rosary and ask our Blessed Mother for her intersession and prayers. Many complain that they have no time to pray and, much less, time to pray the Holy Rosary. In the time of one Netflix drama (60 minutes), four Rosaries could be prayed at 15 minutes apiece. Let us put Jesus, Mary and prayer in the center of our lives!

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Contact: Mary Jeffries at