Want to learn how to fulfill your General Education Connection Experience (GenEd CX)? Join us in 201 Slocum today, Feb. 14 (12:10-1 p.m.)! Munch on free pizza while we explain everything you need to know about:
- The four steps of the approval process
- What makes a strong GenEd CX proposal
- How to get your proposal approved
- Tips for Success
Can’t make it? Check out example proposals and resources on the GenEd CX website. You can also reach out to Dr. Dave Markwardt directly at ddmarkwa@owu.edu or 740-368-3880 with any questions.
This student-focused session will help you design a meaningful GenEd experience that connects with your interests and academic goals.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection
Contact: Jill Hayes at connect@owu.edu