Each month, Anthology releases enhancements and fixes to their learning management system. Here’s a summary of what’s coming on Thursday, Dec. 5: For Instructors:
- New labels for late submissions, improving grading workflow – It will now show “Attempted on ##/##/##, ##:## AM (late)”
- Grade override improvements – You can now override Discussion grades.
- Group management: performance improvements – Saving groups and changes to them is now 80%-90% quicker.
For Instructors and Students:
- New post indicator, enhancing Discussions – A “New” indicator that displays next to posts and replies that you haven’t yet accessed.
For Students:
- Navigation added for LTI and SCORM items within learning modules – For easier navigation, students can now select arrows to the left and right of LTI or SCORM (as well as other) items to move through learning modules.
Click any link above for more information on that item, or here’s a link to their full Release Notes page. Let us know if you have any questions!
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services
Contact: David Soliday at helpdesk@owu.edu