April 19 @ 11 a.m. – Senate Bill 83 Letter-Writing And Crumbl

Want a Crumbl cookie? Come stop by Tree House, CCL, and YDSA’s table in Ham-Wil’s Atrium from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 19 to learn about the Ohio Senate Bill 83, which is described by Honesty For Ohio Education as banning “mandatory DEI training and programs, hiring and education around ‘controversial beliefs and policies’, affinity groups, affirmative action practices, academic partnerships with China, and collective bargaining” and write a letter or a testimony to your senators about it in exchange for a free cookie! You can find the schedule for more Green Week events here.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Tree House
Contact: SK Bulander at skbulander@owu.edu