April 20 @ 4:10 p.m. – Spring Student Symposium – Apply Now

The annual Spring Student Symposium will return on Thursday, April 20th from 4:10-6:00 PM in Merrick Hall.

The Spring Student Symposium showcases the scholarship, research, and creative work of Ohio Wesleyan students across the academic spectrum. The Symposium provides an opportunity for students to both share their work with the OWU community and enter a dialogue that can spur ideas for new projects.

Undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative works, performed under the mentorship of expert faculty, are a central part of The OWU Connection. The annual Student Symposium is a showcase for work of amazing breadth, innovation, and quality by OWU students.

Apply Now https://forms.gle/isPb86uv9jrsx9BK8
Faculty Mentor Endorsement https://forms.gle/gzTbZoDMFwm6MzHK8

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection
Contact: Jill Hayes at jchayes@owu.edu