Feb. 21-24 – SEAL & Circle K Change Drive

Have spare change rolling around? Want to support People In Need Inc. through service? Stop by Ham Atrium anytime between the times listed to donate! Tues. 2/21 & Thurs.2/23: 5-7pm Weds. 2/22 & Fri. 2/24: 1-4pm Additionally, if you’d also like to donate cans to PIN Inc., here’s a short list of items they are currently accepting: canned fruit, canned soup, peanut butter, crackers, boxed cereal, dawn dish soap/Irish Spring, toothpaste. These items can be donated outside of the time blocks listed for change donation.  Email malogsdon@owu.edu or lnashcraft@owu.edu for more info!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: SEAL & Circle K
Contact: Maddie Logsdon at malogsdon@owu.edu