At the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity House, from 5-6 pm Sunday, the men are partnering with the Career Connection office to provide you all with a great networking opportunity as part of a welcome back to campus. With the help of Newton Kimberly, a Career Catalyst in the Career Connection office, we will host a panel of diverse OWU alumni who also spent their time here as Phi Delts. They want to tell you about how both organizations shaped them and helped them in securing their respective career pathways. This event is meant for everyone, but is especially tailored to freshman and sophomores. Pizza and soda will be provided FREE of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope to see you there for this unique opportunity. No RSVP necessary — bring your friends!
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Career Connection / Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Contact: Nathan Oke at