International Students – Are You Reading Your IOCP Bulletin? It’s Required

International students, including graduates engaged in F-1 OPT or STEM OPT, are required to read the IOCP Bulletin, the sole official source of OWU updates and reminders about immigration status compliance and regulatory changes. Other information of interest to international students is also included.

In 2023, changes will be coming to F-1 student regulations, including those related to F-1 CPT and OPT, as the pandemic regulatory accommodations expire. If you are not getting your Bulletin, please email  and we’ll put you on the list. If you are not an international student and are interested in getting the Bulletin, please let us know and we’ll include you on the list, too.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: International & Off-Campus Programs
Contact: Darrell Albon at