Due to illness, OWU’s printing services / duplicating will be closed through Friday, April 29. The mailroom will continue to operate according to normal hours and procedures.
If you need to print or copy during this time, please choose from the following options:
–Print or copy on a local multifunction device in your area.
–Contact Mail Pro 1 at 439 Dunlop St. in Delaware. You may contact the company at david@mailpro1.com.
–Contact Kenwel Printers at OWUprints@kenwelprinters.com or (614) 261-1011. Kenwel will drop off your print job to the IS Help Desk when it has been completed.
Please include your account number for chargeback in the email if you choose Mail Pro or Kenwel.
If you are a student and need to print a large-format poster, please note that the Delaware County Library downtown, 84 E. Winter St., has a self-service large format printer. Files can be read from a USB drive.
We know this is a busy time and apologize for the temporary change in service. Thank you.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Print Services
Contact: Jeremy Stanford at jlstanford@owu.edu