Feb. 10 & 11 – Have an Interest In Revitalizing OWU’s Sustainability Plan?

Calling all OWU students, faculty and staff, alumni, and administrators! Are you passionate about the environment and concerned about the climate crisis? Would you like to see OWU do more to become a sustainable school? Your opportunities to make that a reality have arrived!

Please consider applying to join the newly formed OWU Sustainability Action Committee. This is a body that will assist in the creation of a new sustainability plan and accompanying business case. This body will meet every 2-3 weeks via Zoom to check in on shared projects and members should expect to volunteer 1-3 hours of their time per week. Projects may include the analysis of materiality assessment results, a financial review of the school, peer benchmarking research of similar schools’ sustainability plans, further community survey work, etc. Click HERE (https://owu.edu/ex/yourls/vdzfz) to apply! Submissions accepted through Wednesday, February 9!

In addition, you can mark your calendars for one of two campus-wide sustainability forums!​

Location: The Bayley Room on the second floor of Beeghly Library
Dates and Times:
Thursday​,​ February 10, 6-7 pm (feel free to bring your dinner!)
Friday​, ​February 11, 12-1 pm (feel free to bring your lunch!)

​In accordance with the Campus Covid-19 Guidelines we will have to cap the events at 50 people, so please come early! We hope to see you there! For any questions, you can contact Graham Steed (gesteed@owu.edu) or John Krygier (jbkrygier@owu.edu).