Did you know that the Small Grant Program may be used for group travel associated with an upper-level course? Did you know that Small Grants funds can support a student enrolled in an internship course? For more information, see the Small Grant Program website: http://bit.ly/2SVPvB4 . There will be an information Zoom session this Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 7 PM. All are welcome to join: https://bit.ly/30Fcy9f (Meeting ID: 991 5492 1188 Passcode: 980018). This 45-minute session will include a brief overview of the program and application process, examples of awarded Small Grants, and time for questions. Merrick Mentors are also available at the Merrick Desk from 10 to 4 weekdays to answer questions.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection Programs / IOCP.
Contact: Darrell Albon at iocp@owu.edu