Rho Deuteron Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma will be holding Kappa Kraze—a Family Feud-like event—in support of Kappa Kidney Camp. Kappa Kidney Camp is Rho Deuteron’s local philanthropy to raise funds for a summer camp for children 8-18 years old on dialysis or who have had a kidney transplant, who otherwise would not have access to a summer camp. In a typical year, Kappa Kidney Camp provides activities such as boating, kayaking, hiking, fishing, etc. More information about Kappa Kidney Camp can be found at https://www.nchpad.org.
Kappa Kraze will be an in-person event on Oct. 8 at 7pm in Milligan Hub in Stuyvesant Hall. The cost to participate is $5 per person. Participants can sign up individually or as a team of 4; the participation rate for team participation will be $20. All are welcome and prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams. Registration for the event can completed at https://my.crowdchange.co/s8kx2r
Any questions can be addressed to the Philanthropy Chair, Brittani Stiltner, at blstiltn@owu.edu.
Kappa Kraze:
Date: 2021-10-08
Start Time: 07:00PM
End Time: 09:00PM
Location: Stuyvesant Hall, Milligan Hub
Ticket Cost: $5 per person or $20 per team
RSVP Information: Registration link: https://my.crowdchange.co/s8kx2r
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Kappa Kappa Gamma
Contact: Brittani Stiltner at blstiltn@owu.edu