Sept. 27 @ 12pm – Sustainability Task Force Meeting

The first Sustainability Task Force Meeting is Monday, September 27th over the noon hour in Merrick 201.

We’ll be talking about current and upcoming events and sustainable activities on and off-campus as well as hearing from the Custodial Services Director Edward Pullen from ABM (they deal with waste and recycling on campus). The Watershed & Sustainability Coordinator Erin Wolfe from the city of Delaware will be speaking about ongoing sustainability efforts in the city, as well as opportunities for students to help out in projects and internships. We’ll also discuss the new OWU Outside Program and other opportunities. Afterward, head over to SCSC to check out the SSRP Symposium, which features some environmental/sustainability student research projects.

Upcoming STF Meetings, Fall 2021:

Monday, Sept. 27 @ Noon @ Merrick 201
Monday, Oct. 25: Sustainability Task Force Meeting (STF) noon in 201 Merrick Hall
Monday, Nov. 29: Sustainability Task Force Meeting (STF) noon in 201 Merrick Hall

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Environment & Sustainability
Contact: AJ Lashway at