Each month, Blackboard releases feature updates and bug fixes for its flagship LMS service, Learn. Here are highlights of what’s coming October 7th, for Ultra courses only.
Ultra: Submission Receipt
This new functionality provides students with a unique tracking number that confirms their academic submission. Students can copy and save this number as proof of their work, and evidence for academic disputes. A modal window with the tracking information will appear to students after they submit their work. They can also receive an email with that information, and download a similar text file to keep for their records.
Rubric Criterion Increase
Rubrics are grading tools that help instructors to assess student performance and give feedback in detail. Before, Ultra allowed a maximum of 10 columns and rows. To provide more flexibility for the grading processes, Blackboard now decided to increase the limit up to 15 columns and rows.
Rich Text Editor improvements: Add table
For deeper versatility in the Rich Text Editor, this 3rd milestone brings the Add Table functionality to our users. Tables are a common way for instructors and students to align and organize content in a customized manner, better suited to their own preferences.
Additional details, including screenshots, may be found at https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Administrator/SaaS/Release_Notes
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services
Contact: David Soliday at helpdesk@owu.edu