What is “Panhel”? Who serves on Panhel, and what are the duties and responsibilities of this organization? If the answers to these questions interest you, the OWU Panhellenic Council would like to invite you to our first full body open mic night in Sep. 21st!
Following the conclusion of the regularly scheduled Panhellenic full-body business meeting, we will open the floor for any member of the OWU community — both Greek-affiliated and non-affiliated students/staff — to ask questions or bring concerns to the Panhellenic council and the OWU Greek community as a whole. Full body will begin at 8:00 PM in the Stuy Fish Bowl, and the open mic session will begin at ~8:30 PM in the same location. If you can’t make it to open mic on Sep. 21st, don’t worry! We plan to host these sessions monthly so that the voice of the campus community always has a place in the decision-making process of the Panhellenic council.
We hope to see you there!
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Panhellenic Council
Contact: Josephina Fornara at jhfornar@owu.edu