Healthy Tip of the Week: Keeping Yourself and Your Dorm Cool

For many people on campus, the rising temperatures outside means unnecessarily hot dorm rooms. Being constantly hot and sweaty in your own space can make it hard to study and sleep at night. However, there are some small ways to make a difference in the temperature of your room. In the morning, close your blinds or curtains to prevent the sun from heating up your room throughout the day; nearly 30% of excess heat comes from our windows. In addition, if you have a fan, place it in the window in the evening and overnight; if it is facing outside, it will blow hot air out of your room that will be replaced with cooler air from outside. Then, in the morning, close your windows and your blinds, and go about your day. If all else fails, try cooling yourself by taking a cold shower or placing cold washcloths on your neck and wrists. Stay cool, Bishops!


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OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Student Health Center
Contact: Leigh Stavar at