2 Student Government (WCSA) Vacancies, Applications Close Sunday!

The Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA) is dedicated to the pursuit of leadership and
student voice through the committed representation of the student perspective. WCSA serves as a
liaison between the student body and the administration of Ohio Wesleyan University. In order to
be effective in the goals and mission of WCSA, officers and representatives of this student-led
governing body must be set to ensure the goals and mission of the organizations are realized
effectively. As a member of the Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs, it is expected that you are dedicated to the organization and those you represent.


There are 2 vacant seats in the WCSA Senate Body. This form will close Sunday, February 21, at 7PM! You will be invited to speak at the virtual meeting of the Senate at 7PM EST on Monday, February 22.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: WCSA.
Contact: Elisabeth Evers at edevers@owu.edu