Looking for a trustworthy pair of solar eclipse glasses? Starting this week, OWU and Perkins Observatory are giving away free eclipse glasses to help Bishops and Delaware area community safely enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime total solar eclipse on April 8. The certified eclipse glasses will be available at the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Information Desk Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
OWU students, faculty, and staff can also obtain glasses by contacting Kyle Pellegrin, Physics and Astronomy Department Lab Manager. You can stop by his office, SCSC 122, if you are in the Science Center (though appointments are recommended).
For the public, each person present can collect one pair of eclipse glasses for free. We’ll also have additional pairs available for just $1 each, all of which will benefit Perkins Observatory. Thanks go to Don Stevens, Directory of OWU Observatories, for making these available.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Physics and Astronomy
Contact: Bob Harmon at roharmon@owu.edu