Testing our Flux Tower!

Well, I believe today we officially kick-started the travel component of our course! Yes, after a semester worth of numerous equations, tons of modelling exercises on the computer, and super-challenging homeworks, we are all set to take on the most exciting part of the course.
So today, we went up to the terrace of the Science building and set up our flux tower to test it. A lot of wiring, drilling (my personal favorite!) and taping. Personally, this was the first time I was helping build something like this, so I felt like an Engineer at work. The apparatus is sitting on top of the terrace at the moment, and is busy collecting some data for us to work with. This will help us calibrate and minimize any errors. Basically, we are doing a kind of drill, so that we can set it up on the glacier, without any major hassles.
While the tower collects some data over the weekend, let me leave you with some pictures here . . .
Almost done? 
Fred and Dr. Downing stand by as Dr. Jackson takes care of the finer details . . . 
Dr. Craig Jackson: Our Commander-in-chief!


Sriharsha thoroughly enjoying drilling some screws into the apparatus!
Fred tapes some wires together. A precautionary measure against central Ohio hurricanes . . . 😛

One thought on “Testing our Flux Tower!

  1. It successfully recorded data … which indicated that one of our radiometers is wired incorrectly 🙁

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