OWU Professor Awarded Prestigious AMS Simons Foundation Grant

Hanliang Guo, OWU assistant professor of math and computer science, was awarded a prestigious American Mathematical Society-Simon Foundation Research Enhancement Grant. This three-year funding will support the work of an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Guo’s continued study of mathematical modeling of ciliary flow with inertia. Guo hopes to create a new model of the rhythmic movement of cilia that results in fluid or cell movement.  In systematically quantifying the inertial effects of ciliary flows, Guo’s new model will provide significant new insights on ciliary synchronizations and collective dynamics of micro swimmers. For more information regarding the undergraduate research position, interested students should contact Dr. Guo at hguo@owu.edu.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Foundation Relations Office
Contact: Susan Zimmerman at sezimmerman@owu.edu