Fall travel season is upon us, and the Office of Admission recruitment team is out and about, visiting high schools and attending college fairs all around the country (and the world)! We love connecting with as many prospective students and families as possible while we are on the road. To that end, our team offers “Connect with OWU” sessions in various cities. These are opportunities for students/families to meet an admission rep at a local coffee shop or hotel lobby to casually connect about their college search and OWU and to get their questions answered.
We’d love your help promoting/advertising these sessions to your college-bound family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances who might be considering college – and maybe Ohio Wesleyan. You might even consider sharing the information with folks at your local high school(s). Check out this list for information on where we will be and when. And then, feel free to share with those you know! This list will grow as staff add additional dates/locations.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Office of Admission
Contact: Laurie Patton at lspatton@owu.edu