Greif, Inc. Awards Funding for OWU Travel Connection Experiences

Grief, Inc., a Delaware company recognized as a global leader in industrial packaging products and services, awarded Ohio Wesleyan funding for OWU Connection Travel Experiences. OWU Connection Experiences help Bishops develop the ability to think critically, analyze complex problems, work in diverse teams, and communicate effectively.  These skills are valued by companies like Greif who have an international footprint. In awarding the funding of two students’ travel experiences, representatives from Greif wrote, “We are excited about this program, and its extensive reach and impact.” Ohio Wesleyan believes the immersion in new cultures and new environments is an essential part of a 21st-century college education. With the OWU Connection, our students have many options for exploring the world and can build global experiences to match their personal goals. For more information on how to Go Global, please contact Darrell Albon at

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Foundation Relations Office
Contact: Susan Zimmerman at