Do you have a student about to graduate? The Real Life 101 program is designed to help students prepare for Life After OWU!! We work with students and partner them with a professional (typically Alumni) mentor & a Career Catalyst to set them up for life post-graduation.
- Information Session #1 – (1/16, 12PM)
- Information Session #2 – (1/21, 12PM)
- Information Session #3 – (1/21, 7:30PM Zoom)
Please see a few highlights below:
- 100% of students who completed Real Life 101 recommend this program to future Seniors!
- There was a 93% completion rate and 42 students completed the program last year.
- Students’ confidence sky-rocketed in categories such as finding jobs/opportunities post-graduation, coping with life changes after graduating, and managing personal finances.
The Career Connection team can’t wait to walk alongside your student during this season of transition! Students who complete the program will come away with exceptional skills/tools, Alumni connections, business cards, and special graduation cords. See real quotes from last year’s students!
- “I think this is SO necessary for seniors. All we prepare for is graduation and not what comes after. I cannot recommend this program enough and I thank Career Connection for making this program. It shows they really care about us.”
- “It is a great extension of the BLP Program and also helps to make the senior year a special process and time to reflect on how far you’ve come individually and professionally.”
- “Life after college is scary. Completing a fast and straightforward program like this one is a small task in comparison to what we will be facing after we graduate. It is helpful and sets us up for success.”
- “I will recommend it to anyone because everything required is things we have to do or will do before/after we graduate. Why not do it now and with the help and support of Career Connection?”
Please contact Leigh Mascolino at, Director of Career Connection, for further details and to register.
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan University
Contact: Leigh Mascolino at