April 19 – Golden Bishop Awards

The Golden Bishop Awards is April 19 from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. in the Benes Rooms! The Golden Bishop Awards have been held since 1987 and exist to recognize Ohio Wesleyan students, advisors, and organizations. This year, the event is open to the entire campus and OWU guests but RSVP is required. Guests must be registered with someone with an OWU email. The deadline to RSVP is April 14: https://owu.campuslabs.com/engage/event/8952083.

We hope you can join us to celebrate outstanding achievements in leadership and community service! The event will be live streamed, recorded and posted to www.owu.edu/goldenbishopawards.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement Office
Contact: Dina Daltorio at involveu@owu.edu