How to be a “Smart” Student

“Smart” students—take responsibility, value inter-dependence, and understand the importance of self-advocacy.   

“Smart” students—re/establish priorities and set short- and long-term goals that will help them succeed academically. 

“Smart” students—begin studying (e.g., do homework, complete reading assignments, etc.) on the first day of the semester, study most every day of the semester, and take the appropriate actions as needed, one step at a time.

To be a “smart” student this semester, consider these 4 Action Steps or Goals:

  1. Raise you cumulative GPA—i.e., earn a higher GPA in the spring semester:
    • Set your semester GPA goal.  Use the online GPA calculator, available on the Registrar’s website, to identify the semester grades you need to  reach your cumulative GPA goal:

2. Move from exploring and testing to decision-making about your major and career:

    • Meet with your advisor if you have questions or concerns about a possible major.

    • Go to the Career Services website and explore their resources. Consider meeting with a Career Connection staff member to discuss your major and career path.

3. Learn about curriculum opportunities and begin to make long-term curriculum plans:

4. Create a “smart”-student identity.  “Smart” students 

    • Recognize that attitudes shape behaviors.
    • Identify themselves as “creators,” not “victims.”
    • Have a realistic or accurate understanding of their abilities.
    • See challenges, even failures, as opportunities.