Discover Delaware: First Friday (Downtown)

“First Fridays are always a fun way to get into downtown and see what’s happening in Delaware. Sometimes, the Marching Bishops will play for [the crowd]!” – Kathy Habian ’25

First Fridays, N. Sandusky Street (2-minute walk from campus)
First Fridays are from 6-9 pm on the first Friday evening of every month. Each event offers a different theme to enjoy, free children’s activities, and later hours for Downtown Delaware businesses. This is a family time to join your neighbors, walk the shops, eat at local restaurants, and enjoy the community Main Street has helped rebuild.” –

Get to know our vibrant community of Delaware, Ohio! We are so fortunate to have such an eclectic selection of restaurants and shops within walking distance, plus so many parks, activities, and attractions nearby! Each week we’ll introduce a new hotspot or event you’ll soon get to experience. Discover more at Destination Delaware County!