- Read through the syllabus and familiarize yourself with the policies and assignments. Remember, no class is exactly the same. There will be new readings and assignments in this new semester, so make sure that you are thinking about this class, not the one you took last semester.
- Make a schedule of important dates for the class and make sure you understand how the instructor will tell you about upcoming assignments. Make sure that you leave each class with a clear idea of what needs to be done for next time. And if you don’t know . . . check Blackboard and ASK!
- Have an open mind. You may have heard rumors about this instructor or think you know what the class is about. Try to avoid making assumptions and approach the class as an opportunity to learn something new. Attitude makes a big difference to both your success and experience of the class.
- Talk to your instructor. If you notice you don’t understand something or are struggling with a specific skill, talk to your instructor. Sharing that information can help them work with you more effectively. Try to be specific but realistic about what would be helpful to you.