June 5: Online Orientation Course Release

On June 5, students will be able to access the Online Orientation Course in BlackboardA link to access the course will be provided, but you will need to sign into Blackboard with your OWU credentials, i.e., your OWU username (your OWU email address minus the @0wu.edu), and password that you established when setting up your OWU email account. The course will also appear as an item that needs to be completed on your Becoming a Bishop Checklist on June 5 with a link to the course. The course is full of useful and important information you need to know to start classes at OWU this fall successfully. The deadline to complete the course will be July 1, 2024. The course should take you about 1.5 hours to complete. On June 5, a link to the parent and family version of the online orientation course will be posted in New@OWU. This course is a mirror of the student course, so you can see all the important information they are receiving, including deadlines and payment options around bill payment, health insurance requirements, waivers, parking, etc.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Engagement and Success
Contact: Brad Pulcini at newatowu@owu.edu