You open the door to your chamber, still drowsy and rubbing your eyes, to find the King's messenger holding a scroll. He hands the scroll to you and leaves in silence. [[You read the scroll.]](enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))You swiftly fall back [[asleep]].(enchant:?page,(background:black))You wake up to furious pounding at your door. You get up. [[Answer the door.]] (enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))"His Majesty King Malik Belgrave of the Realm of Ryzan, your lawful sovereign, has summoned you to his court. Your presence is demanded at dawn."
[[You put down the scroll.]](enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))You peer between the linen curtains over your chamber window. Pallid red light streaks the eastern sky. You have only a few moments.
[[Depart at once to the King's court.]]
[[Look out of your chamber window.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))You trudge through the vast winding corridors of the castle, your mind a maze. Why has King Belgrave summoned a lowly castle cook with such urgency? What awaits you in the throne room? The damp air begins to freshen, the echoing silence to fill with early morning clamor, as you reach the King's court.
[[Enter the court.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))You watch your window glaze over with the rays of the rising sun. You can feel the ruddy light creep across your skin like the faint touch of a vast hand. You take a deep breath, trying not to wonder whether it is your last, and steel yourself. (text-colour:#a61e4d)[[Depart at once to the King's court.]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#f8f9fa)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#ffffff,0,#888888,0.0331,#ffec99,0.1733,#ffd43b,0.3619,#ffc9c9,0.683,#ffc078)))You step hesitantly into the hall. Mere paces away, King Belgrave is seated on his throne, a magnificent sight of crimson velvet and gilded scrollwork. Your stomach gives a sickening lurch as you suddenly realize your inexperience in addressing royalty.
[[Awkwardly extend a handshake.]](enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))The King addresses you in a measured but icy tone. "Ivan, my faithful cook. I have been made aware of your growing interest in the vile art of potionry. As I am sure you know, such practice is strictly forbidden in my kingdom."
He lets you stand, sick with shock and holding your breath, until the reverberations of his voice die away.
"I am willing," he says at last, "to pardon this grave offense and spare your life. However, you must complete a task for me."
With only seconds to consider the King's request, you respond:
[["Yes, my King."]]
[["No, I cannot, your majesty."]](enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))At once you know you have made the wrong choice. The knights are upon you before you can think to explain yourself. They seize you, wrestling you off your feet, and drag you back out of the King's court. You hear a knight bellow, //"Off with his head!"//
(text-colour:black)[[Everything goes dark.]] (enchant:?page,(background:red))"As you know well, dear Ivan, our Realm of Ryzan has suffered greatly in the war against the Magisterium Highlands. Their cruel Queen, Anastasia Vasiliev, has ordered her knights to siege our fortresses in an attempt to claim our kingdom as their own. Our knights are suffering greatly and our forces are depleted. I fear an outcome worse than the brutal siege of Constantinople. I order you to create your deadliest poison and travel to the Magisterium Highlands. There, you will assume a role as a cook to the royal family and poison Queen Vasiliev. Our triumph will be guaranteed!"
His voice rings throughout the marble pillars. He leans down and fixes you with a fiery gaze.
"The fate of the kingdom rests upon your shoulders. Go now, and secure our victory."
[[You depart at once.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))The king looms over you from the height of his throne. In a thunderous voice, he says, "Then you will suffer the consequences of your meddling with sorcery. I banish you to the dungeon!"
His knights seize you and haul you out of the court. Before you can plead for mercy, you find yourself chained and locked in the clammy depths of the dungeons.
[[You fall asleep on a damp heap of straw.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#212529))You jolt out of a restless sleep to the dungeon guard rattling the bars of your cell. As you sit up, he growls, "His Majesty the King finds himself still in need of your help. Through his boundless mercy, he is willing to offer you one more chance to make yourself of use to your kingdom. Accept his offer or submit to your just punishment."
[["I accept the mercies of the King and will provide my services."]]
[["I refuse to fulfill the King's request."]](enchant:?page,(background:#212529))The dungeon guard guffaws and spits at you through the bars. "No one who refuses the King lives to see the next day. At dawn, you will be hanged."
He leaves. You sag back onto the straw and try not to contemplate your doom.
[[Everything goes dark.]] (enchant:?page,(background:#212529))The knights drag you back into the court. Your feet leave filthy tracks on the mosaic tiles. Weak from hunger and thirst, you try to bow but crumple to the floor. The King's lip curls. "Have you reconsidered my offer, dear lowly cook?"
You respond, [["Yes, my King."]] (enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))You rush to your chambers and begin to craft the poison intended for the Queen. You pack the few belongings you posses in a leather satchel and [[depart from the security of the Realm of Ryzan.]](enchant:?page,(background:#a61e4d))
Confused by the summon, you respond to the call and make your way to her majesty's quarters. (enchant:?page,(background:#74c0fc))(text-colour:black)[[You enter her room.]]The Queen's doctor, Dr. Geoffrey Haffkine, rushes to greet you upon your arrival. As you quickly scan the room, you notice Queen Anastasia Vasiliev weakly laying in her bed, surrounded by stacks of medical books, various medical tools, and a sizable container of leeches. You are shocked to see the once srong and powerful Queen in such a state of sickness. Only a few days ago you were summoned by the Queen to introduce a new cook to the castle. Before you can observe furthur, Dr. Haffkine interrupts your stunned state (text-colour:black)[[to deliver the news.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#74c0fc))"Our great Queen Vasiliev has fallen mysteriously ill," he informs you with a great expression of worry.
"Yesterday she was healthy, yet today she does not have enough strength to rise from bed. I have tried everything I know; I have used every medical tool, every method of healing, yet our beloved Queen continues to fall into the depths of illness. I turn to you, her loyal knight, to embark on a quest. I fear the only one who can aid us at this time of urgent need is the cunning Baba Yaga, who has the knowledge of the dark arts and strange potions. Take this scroll. It contains everything you must to know for your quest. And make haste! The Queen is fading quickly!"
(text-colour:black)[[Take the scroll and return to your chambers.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#74c0fc))You open the scroll the moment the door of your chamber closes behind you. It says,
“On behalf of the Queen, who is in a state of weakness and misery, I, Dr. Geoffrey Haffkine, request the services of the most loyal and brave knight of the Magisterium Highlands. You must venture through the vast and thick woods until you arrive at Baba Yaga’s hut. There, you must retrieve the antidote for our Queen’s mysterious illness and return promptly. You will receive great rewards of wealth and status for the completion of this vital task. God be with you.”
A wave of fear overwhelms you as you feel your body grow cold. You are aware of the many dangers which make their home in the vast woods, and you have heard whispers of the evil doings of Baba Yaga. You contemplate fleeing from the castle, never to return again, but you know that act of cowardice would destroy your honor. You hesitantly pack a satchel and (text-colour:black)[[embark on your journey.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#74c0fc))You look over your shoulder to watch the castle wall shrink behind you as your chestnut colored horse, Boniface, steadily trots forward through the outlying towns. The afternoon sun is high in the expansive blue sky, already causing uncomfortably hot conditions under the heavy metal armor you wear. Many peasant folk, both young and old, take a rest from their work and gather on the sides of the road to see you off on your grand journey. They wave their arms and shout, “God be with you, brave Knight Aleksander!” and, “Save our beloved Queen!”
You turn your gaze from the castle wall behind you and wave to the peasants, wishing that you had half the bravery they think you do.
(text-colour:black)[[Continue through the village.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#ffc078))As the busy town, full of homes, markets, stables, and people begins to thin and turn into scattered country homes, you wonder if you will ever see the faces of those sending you off again. You are accustomed to being sent on royal quests, many of which have been quite dangerous. You have fought bravely against many kingdoms, and have often prevailed. Despite this extensive experience, you have never been sent to the hut of Baba Yaga, the most dangerous and perplexing witch in all the lands. As you attempt to distract yourself from your uncertain fate, you look back to catch a glimpse of the castle one last time. To your dismay, you find that it has disappeared, and that you are far from the only home you’ve ever known. The sun has lowered, painting the sky brilliant shades of pink, purple, and orange. You look ahead to see a small collection of trees, their long branches of trees, dancing in the wind. You (text-colour:black)[[enter the forest.]](enchant:?page,(background:#ffc078))(enchant:?page,(background:#2b8a3e))As you journey into the woods, the small collection of trees, varying greatly in size and type, begins to thicken and form a deep forest. The chill of the night causes you to shiver as you hear the gentle calls of the owls, making their presence known. Your horse, Boniface, begins to slow her pace as she struggles to find her footing amidst the fallen branches scattering the uneven ground. You determine that your journey must cease for the night and that you must create a place to safely lay your head.
(text-colour:black)[[Construct your shelter.]](enchant:?page,(background:#2b8a3e))You take the small tent you had been carrying out of your pack, now drenched in sweat from your long journey, and feel your excruciating back pain cease almost instantly. Although the Queen did not provide you the elaborate pavilion-style tents that nobility or wealthy merchants often had, you were grateful for the common soldier tent given to you despite the urgency of your quest. You begin to assemble your tent consisting of a wool drop sheet and poles, but find difficulty in the darkness of the forest. You try to construct your tent for several minutes, but fail to do so. As a feeling of exhaustion falls over you, you contemplate giving up and sleeping on a bed of dried pine needles.
(text-colour:black)[[Abandon your task and sleep on the ground.]]
(text-colour:black)[[Continue your attempts.]]You clumsily pack up the wool drop sheet and poles in frustration. Attempting to find some comfort for the long night ahead of you, you construct a small bed made of pine needles and (text-colour:black)[[slowly fall asleep…]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#2b8a3e))You try once more to build your shelter in the darkness of night, determined to sleep in the safety of your tent. The chill of the evening makes your hands stiff, and your half constructed tent falls to the ground in pieces once again.
Abandon your task and sleep on the ground.
(text-colour:black)[[Abandon your task and sleep on the ground.]]
(text-colour:black)[[Continue your attempts once again.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#2b8a3e))(text-colour:red)[[Awake.]]Despite the brief thought of giving up entering your exhausted mind, you recognize the danger of sleeping in a dark, mysterious woods without your proper shelter. You pick up the poles and wool drop sheet from the ground and attempt to construct your tent once again. A sudden shrieking howl of a wolf deep within the woods startles you, and your tent falls to pieces.
(text-colour:black)[[Abandon your task and sleep on the ground.]]
(text-colour:black)[[Continue your attempts.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#2b8a3e))Your eyelids feel heavy, and you slowly slip back into a deep sleep.
(text-colour:red)[[Wake up!]]
In a half asleep daze, you gaze around at the silent forest, which is still covered in a slowly fleeting blanket of darkness.// A few more minutes won’t hurt//, you think to yourself as you fall asleep once more.
(text-colour:red)[[WAKE UP!]]The forest is still silent in the early morning hours, and you feel a brisk chill down your spine. As you begin to slowly wander the forest, you attempt to find any sign of the correct path. You were entrusted by the Queen to discover the path that will lead to the antidote and ensure her survival, yet this forest and land is completely foreign to you. As you continue aimlessly through the forest, you notice a small path beginning to form in the distance amidst the densely wooded abyss. (text-colour:black)[[You guide Boniface towards the path.]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#ff922b)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0612,#ffc9c9,0.2472,#ffc078,0.4817,#ffe066,0.6983,#c0eb75)))(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#f8f9fa)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#ffffff,0,#888888,0.0153,#ffc9c9,0.1376,#ffd43b,0.8461,#37b24d)))As you approach the small break in the woods, with dry leaves cracking underneath Boniface’s hooves, you notice darkness beginning to fall upon you. This confuses you, for only a few minutes ago the sun was glaring in your eyes, and now it looks as if it is early evening. Although you can see your surroundings clearly, they are hued with the purple traces of night. You stop Boniface in her tracks and evaluate if you should venture further along the path. The path widens and continues ahead of you, almost as if it is welcoming you to journey further. Despite this, the thick blanket of fog covering the trees and reaching to the ground causes hesitation. Although you feel as though this path could lead to your end, you are determined to save the Queen, to whom you are most loyal. (text-colour:black)[[You continue along the path.]]
You finally awaken. You notice that the sun is slowly rising, painting the sky with golds and soft pinks. You pick up your satchel that you had thrown on the ground in frustration the night before and (text-colour:black)[[mount your horse]], Boniface.
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#ff922b)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.2064,#ffc9c9,0.4715,#ffc078,0.7416,#ffe066)))The darkness intensifies as you venture further along the path. You can only see the outlines of the trees, rocks, and shrubs that you pass. You scan the area, searching for wolves or bears that might be lurking in the woods and may wish you harm, but you can sense none. A shiver down your spine prompts you to notice that the warmth has left the air and your body despite the noon hour approaching. You daydream of your comfortable chamber with a proper fireplace back at the castle as you ride on.// If I can just find the hut of Baba Yaga, I can return to my comfort//, you think as Boniface lazily (text-colour:black)[[continues on her path.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#2b8a3e))You have journeyed along this uncertain path for several hours now, but it feels as though you have made no progress. You are growing drowsy in the darkness of the forest, which has increased to such an extent that you can no longer see your hand in front of your face. You know you must eat some of the food that has been packed for you and allow Boniface her share of water, yet none of this can be done in the pitch dark condition. //This forest is cursed,// you think to yourself. //Why does darkness surround me when the sun should be shining?// You realize the potential danger and confusion that lies in darkness and promptly (text-colour:black)[[stop Boniface.]]
(text-colour:#515458)[=You think to yourself with growing panic, //what if I have been wandering in circles? I need light! //Before your thoughts begin to spiral out of control, you hear the crunch of leaves to your right and notice a dull, crackling light on the forest floor. You are hesitant to explore the mysterious source of light, but it may be your only chance to escape the forest. You dismount and move slowly towards the (text-colour:white)[[light.]]. (text-colour:#515458)[=
(text-colour:#868e96)[=You wonder what this light is, and (text-colour:white)[[you take a few more steps towards the light.]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#1c3021)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0739,#000000,0.4715,#e9ecef,0.9251,#000000)))Your anticipation grows as you venture forward. (text-colour:Orange)[[ You take several more steps forward.]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#1c3021)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#000000,0.1835,#e9ecef,0.4969,#ffc078,0.8078,#ffffff,1,#000000)))The orange light, now clearly produced by a fire, has illuminated the woods with such intensity that your surroundings become visible to you. You look back to see Boniface loyalty waiting for your return. You kneel down to inspect this fire better, housed in a shiny, white human skull. Its eyes glow with the vibrant, burning flame. The light from the skull's eyes focuses on your face, yet you are not burned. You (text-colour:black)[[hear a voice respond.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#ff922b))“Yes," you reply. “I shall be honored to accept your assistance, for I desperately need guidance in this dark and foreign forest. My journey is crucial to the life of my Queen, the most kind and caring ruler in all the lands. You will be rewarded greatly, Skully, for your generous aid.”
You pick up Skully from the damp, cold ground and place him in your saddle bag, leaving the leather cover undone so his light can illuminate your way. You kick your heels into Boniface enthusiastically and (text-colour:black)[[continue your journey.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#ff922b))(text-colour:#868e96)[=You leave Skully, the small, crackling light sitting on the forest floor, and find your way back to Boniface in the darkness that has promptly returned. You are confident in your decision. A magic skull simply cannot be trusted. It could be a trick from Baba Yaga if she has sensed that you are journeying through her woods. You cannot take any chances if you are to save the Queen. You wander for many more hours, unsure if you are traveling in the right direction anymore. You stop to give Boniface a well deserved break when you hear a crunch of leaves to your right once again. You begin to walk closer, still stumbling in the darkness. (text-colour:black)[[You take some more steps towards the light.]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#ff922b)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.2625,#000000,0.4969,#ffc078,0.7416,#000000)))Skully illuminates the once pitch black forest, revealing the tall, thin trees, small shrubs, and abundance of chipmunks and squirrels that were hidden in the darkness. You smile to yourself as you feel your intense fear melting away. Skully loyally guides you through the thick woods, over fast-running streams full of fish, and through vast fields for several days.
You feel a sense of exhaustion overcoming you when Skully calls,
“Stop here, my brave knight. And (text-colour:black)[[look to your left.]]”
(enchant:?page,(background:#ff922b))In the thick, misty forest, you see a small hut with small shimmers of light seeping through its windows. You dismount Boniface and turn to pick up Skully once again, but he is no longer in your saddle bag. You slowly approach the hut on foot after setting Boniface to graze in a dry, covered patch in the forest, wondering where your loyal friend, Skully vanished to. Below your feet is the sound of crinkling leaves and branches as you approach the door.
(text-colour:black)[[Peer inside to take a look.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#30783d))Standing tall over the large boiling pot in the middle of the room stands the bony-legged Baba Yaga. Their head instinctively snaps around to stare into your eyes.
“Aha! I see we have a visitor," they bellow. “What do you need at this time? Are you alone?”
//You think of a good response knowing you are being tested...//
(text-colour:black)[[“I am Aleksander Fedorov, Knight of the Magisterium Highlands, and wish for your help.”]]
(text-colour:black)[["I am but a poor traveler looking for a cure for my sickened wife, please, won't you help me?]]
(text-colour:black)[["Please help me! I need your help, dear Baba Yaga."]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#735d35))“It must have been a far journey for you to undertake. I have not met a Highlander for some time. What would you need from me to come all this way?”
(text-colour:black)[[“I was sent by Dr. Geoffry Haffkine to find the cure for my Queen who has suddenly fallen gravely ill. No treatment has worked. I believe that you may be the one that could save her with your knowledge of the dark arts.”]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#735d35))“I see. You will need to go to great lengths to obtain the ingredients of the cure of all cures. I will give you a list of the three key items I am missing. In the meantime, I will help you on your quest to save your Queen by beginning the arduous process of creating this mythical potion.”
(text-colour:black)[[Thank Baba Yaga and leave the hut to start your journey.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#735d35))The first item on the list is “two Lotus Flowers” with instructions to “meet the Wandering Traveler on the outskirts of the forest”. Now, you must scour the outer edges of the forest to find this mysterious person.
(text-colour:black)[[Begin looking for the Wandering Traveler.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#735d35))With a slight start, the Traveler glances back and says, “You gave me quite a scare. I do, young traveler. I can offer you a few flowers if you can give me some food.”
(text-colour:black)[[Search for food in your bag.]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#2b8a3e,0.0739,#fab005,0.2243,#f76707,0.4689,#5c4375,0.9378,#000000)))You find your last pieces of bread and offer them to the Traveler in exchange for the delicate flowers. As he departs, he whispers to you, “Be careful as you venture through these woods. It can be dangerous for young fellows like you."
(text-colour:grey)[[“I will. Take care now.”]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0153,#fab005,0.1019,#f76707,0.265,#5c4375,0.5479,#000000)))With night approaching you set up camp. You cannot sleep due to what the Traveler said to you... //"Be careful as you venture through these woods. It can be dangerous for young fellows like you''.... what else could be out here?//
(text-colour:grey)[[Stay awake until morning.]]When you approach the grain, you try to pull out a few stalks but they do not budge. Even when you exert more force, they refuse to move. In a fury of rage, you pull out your sword and swipe at the grain. To your surprise, the grain falls, but shards of your sword scatter across the field. Only the handle remains intact. You must now put the grain in your bag to find the last ingredient.
(text-colour:black)[[Rush to collect the grain before it blows away in the wind.]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(hsl:45,0.8917,0.4706,0.65)))Now, you must travel to the forsaken lands of the Realm of Ryzan. This is where an ancient volcano erupted a long time ago, damning the earth with hardened basalt, making it impossible to plant any crops. But this cursed rock will serve a different purpose by healing your Queen.
(text-colour:black)[[Head to the Realm of Ryzan.]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(hsl:45,0.8917,0.4706,0.65)))After some time, you are able to break off a sizable chunk of basalt. But this is done at the cost of your prized helmet as it has now also been dented and cursed by the black soot of the ground you stand on. Now you hastily put the broken-off rock into the damaged helmet to rush back to Baga Yaga’s hut with all of the ingredients on the list.
(text-colour:black)[[Quickly leave the Realm of Ryzan undetected and make your way back to Baga Yaga’s hut.]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#5d6165,0.6014,#5c3838)))//Baba Yaga Makes Serum//
The night sets in again by the time you reach Baba Yaga’s hut. There they are hunching over a piping hot cauldron mixed with several other herbs that they gathered while you were gone. You quickly set all of the ingredients you obtained on the table and then collapse into a wooden chair to fall soundly asleep.
(text-colour:black)[[Next morning…]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#735d35))By the time you wake up, the sun is beginning to rise over the horizon again. Then your eyes pan over to the same table you put the ingredients on to see three small glass vials filled with a violet-colored liquid. Baba Yaga, dreary from their work, whispers, “I spent all night brewing this magical cure that may cure your Queen. Now, go and deliver it as the sun will illuminate your path back to your kingdom."
(text-colour:black)[[Thank Baba Yaga and leave for the Magisterium Highlands.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#735d35))You ride back to the Magisterium Highlands where you successfully save the queen with the andtidote given to you by Baba Yaga. The moment you finally get a chance to rest in your own bed, you lay down and take a (text-colour:black)[[deep breath.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#74c0fc))[[Another deep breath.]][[A shallow breath...]][[Everything goes dark.]] You awaken to a persistent knock on the door.
[[Answer the door.]]
(transition-arrive:"dissolve")[[Go back to sleep.]](text-colour:#adb5bd)[=You begin to walk closer, stumbling in the darkness; the light begins to gradually grow. (text-colour:white)[[You take a few steps towards the light.]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#1c3021)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.2421,#000000,0.4715,#e9ecef,0.7824,#000000)))(text-colour:#582828)[="Hmmm...."
Baba Yaga stares at you for a moment. Suddenly they come sprinting at you with a wide grin. You have no chance to plead your case. (text-colour:black)[[Everything goes dark.]]
(enchant:?page,(background:Red))(text-colour:#582828)[[Baba Yaga stares at you silently...]]
(enchant:?page,(background:Red))"But of course my dear," Baba Yaga says with a soft smile.
"What is your name?"
//You sigh a breath of relief//
(text-colour:black)[[“I am Aleksander Fedorov, Knight of the Magisterium Highlands, and wish for your help.”]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#735d35))As the sun begins to set above the horizon, you see a burly, hooded man making his way into the depths of the forest. As he is the first person you have seen in a while, you call out to him.
(text-colour:black)[[“Sir, would you happen to have Lotus Flowers?”]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.1045,#2b8a3e,0.3466,#fab005,0.5352,#f76707,0.762,#5c4375)))Once the sun begans to rise, you slowly get up to (text-colour:black)[[continue your journey to find the next item on the list.]] (enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0102,#5c4375,0.2497,#ffa94d,0.5377,#ffe066,0.8767,#faa2c1)))In the distance, you see a cascading river with sparkling gold fields of what could be the next item needed for the serum: wheat grain.
(text-colour:black)[[Begin to head towards the river.]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.0561,#ffa94d,0.2115,#ffe066,0.4536,#faa2c1,0.6677,#ffd43b)))You must sneakily enter the domain of your rival kingdom and act swiftly. But you do not have any tools to break the basalt from the blackened surface. You must use your helmet to separate the rocks.
(text-colour:black)[[Start bashing your helmet into the basalt.]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#5d6165,0.6014,#5c3838)))(text-style:"bold","double-underline")[The Tale Of Sir Aleksander, Skullbert, and Baba Yaga]
[[Press to continue.]]You wonder if this is Skully once more, [[you take a few more steps towards the light.]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#ff922b)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0.2625,#000000,0.4969,#ffc078,0.7416,#000000))) “I have been expecting you and I, Skullbert of Craniumberg, am at your service. You have wandered into Baba Yaga’s dark woods, full of terrors that are eagerly waiting to kill you. I know the immense value I bring to your journey. Please take my advice, trust my intentions, and allow my light and my knowledge of these woods to guide you safely to Baba Yaga.”
You stand in front of the skull which is still resting in the dry leaves. You are not sure whether to trust an object which holds such power.
(text-colour:black)[[Take Skully on your journey.]]
(text-colour:black)[[Refuse to trust the mysterious Skully and find your own way. ]]
(enchant:?page,(background:#ff922b))Created by: Grace Kopelcheck, Grace Zoldak, Grey Kennedy, and Darren Lo
[[Everything goes dark.]]