A group of people came running into the hut, as soon as the door was opened. Maria could just barely see Ivan outside, being held back by two larger men. There were a couple of women children outside as well, most of them looking scared, but others looking vengefully at Maria
The people that entered the hut headed straight for Maria, but Rotisserie flung furniture at them and made some of their legs fall through floorboards to trap them. Maria was able to swing her knife at the few that reached her.
She ran outside as fast as she could and tried to confront the large man holding Ivan.
That was when she noticed they were holding swords, one pointed at Ivan’s neck, and the other pointed towards Maria.
She stopped in her tracks a few feet before them, panting.
[[ “Wh-Why are you doing this? What have we ever done to you people? He is your prince!” | Why]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
One day, a small child approaches the hut on chicken legs.
Before Ivan’s death, Maria was known as sort of a grandmotherly figure in their kingdom. A hermit-like, and maybe a little unconventional, yet sweet woman who would give her aid to small children if they asked her politely enough.
Thus, this child, a very round boy who was always snacking on some form of bread or cake, came to Baba Yaga for her help.
[[However, this child was anything but polite. | Confrontation One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The following day, a third child approaches.
This child seems to be neither girl nor boy, and they prove themself to be extremely curious and witty.
[[As soon as they knock on the hut’s door, they begin asking questions | Confrontation Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The next day, a second child approaches.
This child is a young girl, who smells like a Russian but seems to be polite at first glance. Until she speaks, that is.
“Hey, old hag. Tell me where my sister is or I’ll tell my parents we should finish you off.
[[“Excuse me?” | Confrontation Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)Maria slowly sits up and stretches her arms above her head. She slides her slippers onto her feet, stands up, and shuffles to the kitchen with eyes half-open.
“M-Maria, don’t you want to go see if Ivan is okay?” Proppy calls out to her from the table.
[[“Let me make my tea first.” | Tea One]]
[[“Oh, you’re right! What am I doing still in the house when he could be hurt?” | Hurry One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria slowly sits up and stretches her arms above her head. Rotisserie slides her slippers under her feet. Maria puts them on and stands up, shuffles to the kitchen with eyes half-open.
“M-Maria, don’t you want to go see if Ivan is okay?” Proppy calls out to her from the table.
[[“Let me make my tea first.” | Tea Two]]
[[“Oh, you’re right! What am I doing still in the house when he could be hurt?” | Hurry Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“My name is Hansel. My family are the rich ones that recently moved here from Germany.”
Baba Yaga seethed as he began to pick at her walls and attempt to put the paint chips in his mouth. This boy's family was involved in killing Ivan! And he’s ruining her new paint! She should not help him! She came up with a plan.
“Yes, child, I think I can help you… I just need you to reach into my oven first. There is some cake in there that you can eat on your journey to them.”
“Ooh, cake!”
[[Push the child into the oven and eat him. | Eat First Child]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $hansel to "Hansel")
(enchant: $hansel,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The child went on, rambling and asking questions but never giving Baba Yaga time to respond. She didn’t mind curiosity too much, as long as the child didn’t ask the wrong kinds of questions…
“And what about the garden outside? Do you maintain it? Because if so, you’re not doing a great job–”
And Baba Yaga snapped. She ordered for the child to get into her oven, and then she would answer all their questions.
“Oh, well.. I’m not exactly sure how to get into the oven. Do you want me to do it like this? Or maybe this? Should my legs be up or down?--”
[[Show the child how they should lay in the oven yourself. | Refuse to Eat Two]]
[[Simply push him inside of the oven. | Eat Child Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The child huffed petulantly, but climbed inside of the oven to clean it.
[[Turn the oven on and eat the child. | Eat Child Two]]
[[Leave the child be. | Refuse to Eat One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)The child approached Baba Yaga’s hut and opened her door.
“Hello, old grandma. I need you to help me find my way back home. Also, your house looks kind of like bread. Can I eat some of it? I’ll only take a bit, I promise.”
Baba Yaga contemplated her response as she watched the child drool a little, staring at her beige walls.
[[ “Who is your family, child?” | Choice One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)“Greetings Baba Yaga! Do you mind if I ask you some questions about your hut? Great! So first off, I have to say I was really curious about the three horsemen I saw on my way over. I mean are they friends of yours or something? And also how does your mortar and pestle work? It must be hard to push that along right? SO are you really strong or is it just magic? Or maybe both? You do have a pretty big build. And also why does your hut have chicken legs? Is it like transformed from a chicken or like–”
[[“These certainly are some interesting questions–” | Choice Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)Rotisserie opened its door for Maria, and she hopped right in with Proppy in hand. Rotisserie hummed happily and began to the thrice twentieth kingdom. It dropped Maria off in front of the dungeons.
[[Maria entered the dungeons and went straight to the cage that held her beloved. | Kingdom Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $stick to "stick")
(enchant: $stick,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)The stick cringed. “Oh, please, Magic Stick of Epickness was my father. Please, call me Proppy.”
“Okay Proppy… I have to ask, what’s your mothers name, then?”
“Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp.”
“Oh… peculiar.”
[[Maria continues on to the thrice tenth kingdom, and eventually, their dungeons, guided by Proppy. | Kingdom One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $stick to "stick")
(enchant: $stick,_color)Maria sat Proppy inside the mortar with her, and began spurring it with the pestle, wiping away her tracks with the broom. Eventually she reached the thrice thirtieth kingdom, and entered its dungeons.
[[She went straight to the cage that Ivan was in. | Kingdom Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $stick to "stick")
(enchant: $stick,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)And then they slit his throat.
Maria watched them, through tears, straining against the chains that they had only just placed on her.
“Why? Why would you do that–you–you said you would let him be? Whats wrong with you all?”
The men dropped Ivan’s now limp body.
“We figured we shouldn’t take any chances, just in case you had bewitched him anyways. Now, its your turn.”
The men slowly approached Maria, their blades still bloodied from Ivan’s neck. All that Maria could do now was close her eyes and shrink away from them.
[[But their blades never touched her. | Rotisserie]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria stays home. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria stays home. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria goes home with Rotisserie and Proppy. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria goes home with the mortar, Rotisserie, and Proppy. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Oh,” Ivan mutters. “I suppose if you’re sure, we can try.”
So Maria and Ivan left the dungeons and went to the king to ask for a home in the kingdom.
Upon seeing Ivan out of the dungeon, he called his guards to put Ivan back.
And then he had Maria executed.
[[Happy now? | Kingdom Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)“Oh,” Ivan mutters. “I suppose if you’re sure, we can try.”
So Maria and Ivan left the dungeons and went to the king to ask for a home in the kingdom.
Upon seeing Ivan out of the dungeon, he called his guards to put Ivan back.
And then he had Maria executed.
[[Happy now? | Kingdom Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Oh… If you're sure, then…
Maria stays home. She walks back into her hut and closes the door. Ivan does not return, and Maria does not go out to save Ivan.
In fact, she does not go out at all.
The patch of absinthe, now untended, grows to dominate the flowers ringed around the hut.
She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you're")
(enchant: $player,_color)“Oh,” Ivan mutters. “I suppose if you’re sure, we can try.”
So Maria and Ivan left the dungeons and went to the king to ask for a home in the kingdom.
Upon seeing Ivan out of the dungeon, he called his guards to put Ivan back.
And then he had Maria executed.
[[Happy now? | Kingdom One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria goes home. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)What are you talking about? He’s your boyfriend, and the Prince of this kingdom! If you don’t save him, you'll never be married, and the citizens and the royal family will come to hate you!
[[“I suppose you’re right, I do love him.” | Departure One]]
[[“I think I hate the Lout more than I love Ivan.” | Death One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Maria set off into the forest in search of the Lout, making her way through pines, apsens, and birch trees.
She traveled for a long time, or a short time, until she came upon a run-down hut. There were bones scattered all around the yard and the house, if it could be called that, was undeniably neglected.
She approached the door, which was hanging on by only a hinge.
[[Open the door. |Open Door One]]
[[Be polite! Knock first! |Knock One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“You must go see the lout and ask him!” the bird chirped.
Maria set off into the forest in Rotisserie, in search of the Lout.
She traveled for a long time, or a short time, until she came upon the run-down hut again, and approached its door.
[[Open the door. |Open Door Three]]
[[Be polite! Knock first! | Knock Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“You probably have to go see the lout and ask him!”
Maria set off into the forest in search of the Lout.
She traveled for a long time, or a short time, until she came upon the run-down hut again, and approached its door.
[[Open the door. |Open Door Two]]
[[Be polite! Knock first! | Knock Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Maria mostly stayed inside the hut, only going out for food and small amounts of firewood. Proppy stayed silent, now on the floor next to the rest of the firewood. Rotisserie did what it could to comfort Maria. The garden outside, and the old house that Ivan had turned into a garden shed, both were neglected.
No one from the kingdom really came near the hut anymore, out of fear. Not even the first animals would come near Maria’s domain.
Many villagers began to spread rumors of her, calling her ‘Baba Yaga,’ and Maria did all she could to live up to that title.
[[And then… | Child Approaches One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
“I did not see them pass, as I hid from them, but it sounded as if they headed West! That's through the Lout's part of the wood! He knows about all passings through his territory. If Ivan's captors went that way, he'll know where they're headed!”
“Ew,” She muttered. “How I hate asking that creep for anything…"
[[But, if it’s for Ivan, I would do anything.” | Departure One]]
[[...I mean, is it really worth it?” | Departure None]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)A small bird flew out of the bushes, nervous, and hovered before her. It was a fledgling, one of the couple that loved to nest in their hedges.
“Maria! Oh Maria, Maria, I can’t believe it! Prince Ivan has been kidnapped again! You have to go look for him so he can trim the hedges!”
Maria raised her hand to the bird and patted its head gently.
[[“Well... I really don’t want to see the Lout again.” | Fail to Depart Three]]
[[“Oh, that’s terrible. Tell me, do you know where he may have been taken?” | Departure Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")A red deer emerges from the treeline, frazzled. It was a young buck, one of the many that loved to rub their growing antlers on the tree trunks.
“Maria, oh Maria, you won’t believe it! The wonderful Prince Ivan has been taken! You must help bring him back so he can grow the trees!”
Maria approached the deer and began to rub its antler stubs.
[[“Hmm, I’m not sure. I really don’t want to see the Lout again.” | Fail to Depart Two]]
[[“Oh, that’s terrible. Tell me, do you know where he may have been taken?” | Departure Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Baba Yaga watched from the windows as a young girl approached the hut. She seemed small and frail, but she was definitely beautiful underneath all of the dirt on her face. She reminded Baba Yaga briefly of her days as Maria, waiting for the day when she would rule with her beloved.
[[Baba Yaga wonders for a moment what Ivan would think of her now. | Introductions]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $girl to "girl")
(enchant: $girl,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
Maria stands up and looks at her closet for a few minutes, debating which color she should wear.
Proppy begins hyperventilating, his eyes bouncing around as he shakes. “M-Maria… Please, you really should go check on Ivan… H-he could be terribly hurt or far away.”
Maria decides to go with the red dress for today. She slides it on, along with her favorite pair of shoes.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go now!”
[[She grabs Proppy and goes outside to the garden. | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria stands up and looks at her closet for a few minutes, debating which color she should wear.
Proppy begins hyperventilating, his eyes bouncing around as he shakes. “M-Maria… Please, you really should go check on Ivan… H-he could be terribly hurt or far away.”
Rotisserie begins opening and closing the shutters as if it is fidgeting.
Maria decides to go with the grey dress for today. She slides it on, along with her favorite pair of shoes.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go now!”
[[She grabs Proppy and goes outside to the garden. | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Baba Yaga pushes the child inside out of frustration, then cooks and eats him. When she finishes off the child, she goes to enter her mortar and pestle for an after-dinner ride, but she notices something.
Her legs have become skinny and boney and hairy.
“Oh, fie! Even my legs have become ugly and deformed! And–Why in the world did I do that? That is the third innocent child I’ve eaten now–What have I done?”
There was plenty of room in the mortar now that she was skinny and frail.
[[Baba Yaga hated what was happening to her with all her heart. | Donor Arc Begins]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Baba Yaga soon after eats the child, and when she finishes it off, she catches sight of her face in a conveniently placed mirror.
Her features have grown large and saggy, and she has gained a mole.
“Oh, no! My once beautiful face has become disfigured! And—why in the world did I do that? I’ve eaten another innocent child—what have I done?”
Rotisserie made a groaning noise as it placed the mirror back where it was before.
[[Baba Yaga could tell that it too was anguished at the thought of what she was becoming. | Child Approaches Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)When Baba Yaga finishes off the child, she begins to lick her fingers, but she notices something.
Her fingers have become wrinkled and thin and pale.
“Oh, my! What is happening to my hands? And—why in the world did I do that? I’ve never eaten an innocent child before—what have I done?”
Proppy piped up from the pile of firewood she had placed him in.
“I thought you said you were to be a villain, Baba Yaga. This is what villains do. Remember the lout? Old, ugly, and cannibalistic? You will become like him soon.”
[[“I… don’t want to be like him…” | Child Approaches Two]]
[[“Well… I suppose if this is my destiny…” | Child Approaches Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)What are you talking about? He’s your boyfriend, and also the Prince of this kingdom! If you don’t save him, the citizens and the royal family will hate you!
[[“I suppose you’re right, I do love him.” | Departure Three]]
[[“I think I hate the Lout more than I love Ivan.” | Death 1.3]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)What are you talking about? He’s your boyfriend, and also the Prince of this kingdom! If you don’t save him, the citizens and the royal family will hate you!
[[“Sure, I want him back but… maybe he’ll find his way back on his own. I’ll stay home.” | Death 1.2]]
[[“Oh, I do wish to see him again… Alright, we’ll go!” | Departure Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Wait, whaaaatttt?”
“You’re seriously just gonna leave now? You’ve already come so far, and even confronted the Lout! Don’t you want to go save Ivan?”
“Well…” Maria sighed.
[[“But I’m so tired. I’d really rather just go back home.” | Death Two]]
[[“Ugh, fine. I guess I’ll keep going.” | Continue on Journey One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“Wait, whaaaatttt?”
“You’re seriously just gonna leave now? You’ve already come so far, and even confronted the Lout! Three times!! Don’t you want to go save Ivan?”
“Well…” Maria sighed.
[[“But I’m so tired. I’d really rather just go take a nap.” | Death 2.3]]
[[“Ugh, fine. I guess I’ll keep going.” | Continue on Journey Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“Wait, whaaaatttt?”
“You’re seriously just gonna leave now? You’ve already come so far, and even confronted the Lout! Twice!! Don’t you want to go save Ivan?”
Rotisserie made a creaking sound in protest as well.
“Well…” Maria sighed.
[[“But I’m so tired. I’d really rather just go take a nap.” | Death 2.2]]
[[“Ugh, fine. I guess I’ll keep going.” | Continue On Journey Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“Maria, Maria!” Came a small voice from within the flowerbeds.
“Maria!” the voice calls again, “the lovely Prince Ivan has been taken! You must help to get him back so he can water the flowers!”
The owner of that tiny voice crawls from a patch of absinthe, revealing themself to be a baby hedgehog- one of the handful that love to play hide and seek in the garden.
Maria sighs, leaning down to pat his tiny head.
[[“Again? This is almost the thrice fourth time this month.” | Dispatcher One]]
[[“Oh no! I’ll have to go and find him. Do you know whereabouts he might have been taken?” | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)Maria rushes outside in her nightgown and slippers, looking around frantically for her beloved.
The garden was empty, but there was some rustling in the bushes near the treeline.
[[Call out for Ivan | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Maria rushes outside in her nightgown and slippers, looking around frantically for her beloved.
She saw movement in the hedges out of the corner of her eye.
[[Call out for Ivan | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)The hut was indeed upon chicken legs. It was small and shabbily made out of wood logs, but it was quaint and cute. It looked to be just the right size for Maria and Ivan to live within once she rescued him.
Maria put her hand gently on the door.
“What was that?”
“Rotisserie is its name. Wonderful! It’s like both a pet and a house combined!”
“Uh…. yeah.” Proppy squinted at her. “Anyways, you can use that to carry you to the kingdom. It can walk faster and farther than most people, but it can’t go forever. I’d say the thrice twentieth kingdom is just within it’s range.”
[[“Amazing! Although… who really needs a boyfriend when I have a magical hut on legs?” | Go Home Two]]
[[“Carry me onwards to the thrice twentieth kingdom, Rotisserie!” | Continue On Journey Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
Maria quickly tried to gather any type of weapon that she could find, and eventually Rotisserie slid her a small knife from the kitchen.
With this, Maira hurried to the door, braced herself and opened it quickly.
[[The next few moments were chaos. | Chaos]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
“What? I didn’t get him killed, that was just something that was meant to happen. I told you, Maria, I’m leading you to your destiny. Everything that happens is for a reason.”
Maria gripped the stick tighter. Even Rotisserie creaked angrily at Proppy’s words.
“If this is what my destiny is to be, I don’t want any part of it. And I certainly don’t want any part of you.”
And with that, Maria threw him aside, into the corner where she kept the firewood.
She went to bed with dried blood on her dress and tears of anger on her face. Rotisserie covered her with the softest blankets it had.
[[And that was that for a while. | Disarray]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
“Maria! My love!”
Maria ran towards the cell upon hearing Ivan call out to her. She quickly found the keys to the cell and unlocked it.
Maria set Proppy down gently on a table so she could embrace her love.
“Maria,” Ivan sighed into her neck. “How I missed you so. Let’s say we get out of this wretched place and go back home?”
Maria looked away from Ivan, moving her gaze around the dark and musty dungeon. Her mind thought back to the kingdom above, with lavish decorations of gold and silk.
[[“Actually I rather enjoy this kingdom’s look. What if we simply stayed here?” | Remain One]]
[[“Yes, of course, my Prince. I hope you never have to see this place again.”| Return One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Maria! My love!”
Maria quickly found the keys to the cell and unlocked it.
Maria set Proppy down gently on a table so she could embrace her love.
“Maria,” Ivan sighed into her neck. “How I missed you so. Let’s say we get out of this wretched place and go back home?”
[[“Well, we are once again in a gorgeous new kingdom. What if we simply stayed here?” | Remain Three]]
[[“Yes, of course, my Prince. I hope you never have to see this place again.”| Return Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Maria! My love!”
Maria ran towards the cell upon hearing Ivan call out to her. She quickly found the keys to the cell and unlocked it.
Maria set Proppy down gently on a table so she could embrace her love.
“Maria,” Ivan sighed into her neck. “How I missed you so. Let’s say we get out of this wretched place and go back home?”
[[“You know, this kingdom is quite beautiful as well. What if we simply stayed here?” | Remain Two]]
[[“Yes, of course, my Prince. I hope you never have to see this place again.”| Return Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)A grunt came from inside, and after a few seconds, the Lout opened the door and stared scrutinizingly at Maria.
“Again? What do //you// wannnt this timeee?” He slurred and swayed.
“Well—my love, Prince Ivan, he’s—“
“Been kidnapped again? Yeah, of course he has.” The Lout waved her off and started to walk back into his hut.
[[“Wait, can’t you help me? I need to know where they took him once more!” | Test Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)A grunt came from inside, and after a few seconds, the Lout opened the door and stared scrutinizingly at Maria.
“And what do //you// wannnt this timeee?” He slurred and swayed.
“Well—my love, Prince Ivan, he’s—“
“Been kidnapped again? Yeah, of course he has.” The Lout waved her off and started to walk back into his hut.
[[“Wait, can’t you help me? I need to know where they took him this time!” | Test Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)The mortar and pestle did seem large enough for Maria to sit inside, with just barely enough room for one other person as well.
“Wow! My own vehicle!”
Maria hopped inside of the mortar and began using the pestle to go around in circles.
“SInce this is smaller, it can go almost twice as far as Rotisserie can! Although you should probably use something to cover your tracks with….”
Suddenly, Rotisserie opened its doors and spat out a broom for Maria to use.
“Oh, perfect! Thank you Rotisserie, you can go on back to the house if you want.”
[[“But really… Who needs a boyfriend when I have a magical mortar and pestle?” | Go Home Three]]
[[“Onwards I ride to the thrice thirtieth kingdom!” | Continue on Journey Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Maria eventually stood up, laid Ivan’s body down, and entered Rotisserie, still covered in blood.
She made a point to slowly turn her head to where Proppy was laying on the table.
“You… You said you had my best interests in mind, didn’t you?”
The stick seemed hesitant. “Uhmm… yes? Why wouldn’t I?”
Maria stalked over to the table and gripped Proppy forcefully, nearly snapping him in half with the one hand.
[[“You got him killed.” | Killed]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
Proppy raised his nonexistent eyebrow. “Baba Yaga? Don’t you want to eat this disrespectful child? I’m sure you’re hungry. Being evil takes a lot of energy.”
Baba Yaga sighed.
“I don’t want to become this evil witch that everyone thinks I am. And besides, why do you want me to be evil?”
“Because, Baba Yaga, that is your destiny!”
[[And with that, Proppy bounces over to the oven and turns it on, with the child still inside. |
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)Baba Yaga climbs into the oven to demonstrate, but the witty child turns the oven on and kills her.
[[Oopsies | Child Approaches Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)Ivan titled his head. “What? But Maria, they kidnapped me! Do you truly think they will let me roam the streets? And besides, we have our beautiful home and garden, why wouldn’t we go back to them?”
“Maria,” Proppy whispered to her, “what are you doing? Of course you should go home!”
[[“Really, I think this would make a great home.” | Death Three]]
[[“Ah, of course, you’re right, Ivan. Let’s go back.” | Return One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Ivan titled his head. “What? But Maria, they kidnapped me! Do you truly think they will let me roam the streets? And besides, we have our beautiful home and garden, as well as Rotisserie! why wouldn’t we go back to them?”
“Maria,” Proppy whispered to her, “what are you doing? Of course you should go home! Rotisserie will be left behind as well!”
[[“Really, I think this would make a great home.” | Death 3.3]]
[[“Ah, of course, you’re right, Ivan. Let’s go back.” | Return Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Ivan titled his head. “What? But Maria, they kidnapped me! Do you truly think they will let me roam the streets? And besides, we have our beautiful home and garden, why wouldn’t we go back to them?”
“Maria,” Proppy whispered to her, “what are you doing? Of course you should go home! Rotisserie will be left behind as well!”
[[“Really, I think this would make a great home.” | Death 3.2]]
[[“Ah, of course, you’re right, Ivan. Let’s go back.” | Return Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria, Ivan, and Proppy traveled a long time or a short time, until they reached their small home in the Red Woods. The hut was modest, but its contents inside made it feel warm and homy.
They had a nice dinner together and fell asleep holding each other as they usually do.
The next morning, Maria awakens to a cold bed, with Ivan nowhere in sight.
[[Take your time going outside, he’s probably just in the garden a bit earlier than usual today. | Chill One ]]
[[Hurry outside! What if he’s hurt or has been taken again? | Hurry One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria, Ivan, and Proppy left the dungeon and clambered into the mortar. When Maria showed him how it worked, Ivan agreed that the mortar and pestle was a fine vehicle for them to take.
And thus, they traveled a long time or a short time, until they reached their small home in the Red Woods, where Rotisserie waited for them. From their previous hut they moved all of their belongs, from the furniture to the plants that Ivan had so deeply cared for. Each and every little item had found its place within Rotisserie’s walls, making it feel more and more like a home that Maria and Ivan could live peacefully in. Even the hedgehog, red deer, and fledgling had stopped by to give greetings and gifts to Maria and Ivan.
They parked the mortar outside, then had a nice dinner together and fell asleep holding each other in the hut as they usually do.
[[The next morning, Maria awakens to a cold bed, with Ivan nowhere in sight. | Villain START]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Maria, Ivan, and Proppy left the dungeon and entered Rotisserie. Ivan was surprised to see such a magical hut, but once Maria explained to him what happened, he gladly agreed that they should move some of their items into the hut from their home.
With Rotisserie's help, they traveled a long time or a short time, until they reached their small home in the Red Woods.
They had a nice dinner together and fell asleep in Rotisserie holding each other as they usually do.
The next morning, Maria awakens to a cold bed, with Ivan nowhere in sight.
[[Take your time going outside, he’s probably just in the garden early today. | Chill Two]]
[[Hurry outside! What if he’s hurt or has been taken again? | Hurry Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)When Maria opened her eyes, she saw that Rotisserie had kicked the men away, far into the treeline.
Having watched this, the women all quickly fled.
Rotisserie then used one of its claws to break the chains off of Maria, making a sad and sympathetic squeak.
“Thank you Rotisserie…”
Maria ran over to Ivan’s crumpled body. His blood was all over his shirt, as well as the grass, and now it was on Maria’s nightdress.
Maria cried there for a while, overcome by her sadness.
And then, she felt a different emotion.
[[Rage. | Rage]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
“Well,” the stick began, “I’m Proppy, (text-color:#f2dd9c)[the Magick Stick of Epickness]. I’m here to lead you to your destiny, Maria. It would only make sense that I know who you are and that I can speak to you.”
“Oh, yes, of course… It would only make sense,” Maria nodded. (It did not make any sense to Maria).
“As you continue on your journey, I’ll be the one to guide you and make sure you do what you’re supposed to!”
Maria was slightly taken aback by this.
[[“Hey, I don’t need you to tell me what to do! I’m not like other helpless maidens, you know.” | Stickposition Two]]
[[“And how do you know what //I’m// supposed to do?” | Stickposition Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)The markings seem to be a mix of different letters as well as numbers, with 31 notches of even sizes going down it. Curious…
“Get off my lawn and go get your boyfriend already!!”
[[Maria jumped at the Lout’s voice from within the house, and she began upon her journey. | Stick Screams]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)As Maria started walking, she pondered how this stick could possibly aid her in finding Ivan. The stick had no metal or magnets on it, so it surely couldn’t have been a compass, right?
She tried pointing the stick in various directions, as well as holding the stick in different positions to see if she could measure the sky with it.
For a while, she could not figure what it’s trick must be.
[[Then, she held it one hand, tracing its markings with the other, and the stick spoke. | Stick Speaks]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)“Woah, there! Hey, I’m ticklish there, stop—!”
Two wide, droopy, googly, eyes opened and stared at Maria.
Out of shock, she dropped the stick on the ground and covered her mouth with both hands.
“Ow! Hey, that doesn’t mean I wanted you to just //drop// me, jeez, Maria.”
Maria slowly approached the stick and warily picked him up with two fingers.
“Uhm, look I’m sorry for dropping you and all but…
[[What are you?” | Stick Exposition]]
[[How do you know me?” | Stick Exposition]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)If the (text-color:#f2dd9c) [stick] had any arms, he probably would have raised them in the air in defense at this time.
“Hey, hey, no need to yell, I promise I’m not trying to boss you around or anything. To make it short, there’s a list of things you need to do in a certain order to reach your destiny. It’s something that’s ingrained within me, so I know it quite well. I have your best interests in mind, Maria. If you would like to find your love, you’ll want to start by traveling north.”
“Hmm… I suppose I’ll trust you then…”
[[“But really, who needs a boyfriend when I have a magical stick?” | Go Home One]]
[[“Lead me onwards to the thrice tenth kingdom, Magick Stick Of Epickness!” | Continue on Journey One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Maria puts the kettle onto the stove and waits patiently for the water to boil, yawning occasionally. When it’s ready, she pours the water into a cup and places her favorite tea inside.
“Uhm, Maria?” Proppy calls out again, breathing heavily. “You really should probably go see if Ivan is okay, right? I mean, a-anything could have happened to him, right?”
[[“I’m still not dressed yet. I don’t want to go out there in my nightclothes.” | Dress One]]
[[“Yes, I should go check on him, anything could have happened!” | Hurry One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria puts the kettle onto the stove and waits patiently for the water to boil, yawning occasionally. When it’s ready, she pours the water into a cup and places her favorite tea inside.
“Uhm, Maria?” Proppy calls out again, breathing heavily. “You really should probably go see if Ivan is okay, right? I mean, a-anything could have happened to him, right?”
Rotisserie nervously creaks as well.
[[“I’m still not dressed yet. I don’t want to go out there in my nightclothes.” | Dress Two]]
[[“Yes, I should go check on him, anything could have happened!” | Hurry Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)He grumbled and muttered to himself for a moment before turning back to Maria.
“If you can pass this test… maybe I’ll give you a hint.”
“Here in my hut, there are three rooms. Go in each room and count how many skulls are there. Then come back and try to tell me how many children I have eaten. Shoo, shoo.”
[[Enter living room|Living Room]]
[[Enter kitchen|Kitchen]]
[[Enter bedroom|Bedroom]]
[["I'm ready to answer!"|Test 1 Gate]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)He grumbled and muttered to himself for a moment before turning back to Maria.
“If you can pass this third test… maybe I’ll give you a hint. This time, you must listen to me play the gusla.That may sound simple, but if you fall asleep while I play it, then you will have failed!”
The Lout pulls a one-stringed instrument and a bow from one of the trash piles. He begins to play it, the sound it emits sounding like a dog with a horse throat.
Somehow, the sound still makes you feel quite sleepy…
[[Go to sleep. | Test Fail Three]]
[[Stay awake and bear with the terrible sound. |Awake]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color) He grumbled and muttered to himself for a moment before turning back to Maria.
“If you can pass this test… maybe I’ll give you a hint. There is a herd of mares in a small moor near my house. Bring the herd to my lawn before sundown.”
[[Maria hurries off to the moor he had described. | Moor]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
This morning, however, was not the same as mornings past. It was not quiet or serene. Proppy did not tell her to go outside and check on Ivan. He did not have to.
Maria heard yelling outside. She could barely make out her beloved calling out for her to stay inside the hut.
Rotisserie began flapping its shutters in fear, locking the door as tightly as it could.
Then there was banging on the door.
[[And Maria was scared. | Invasion]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
“Because!” One of the braver women to the side called out. “We know you plan to infect our Prince with your evil magic! And we refuse to stand for it! Your magic will not invade this kingdom, or any of the kingdoms around us!”
“What? I wasn’t trying to spread anything–I–”
“Take one step closer and we kill you and the Prince.”
Maria turned back to the men in front of her and was met with a blade two inches from her face. Her eyes began to water.
[[“Wha…. Please, just wait–I’ll do whatever you want but please don’t hurt Ivan. He truly didn’t do anything wrong.” | Wrong]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
The men smiled at each other when she said this.
“Yeah, okay… Let us put these chains on you, and then we’ll let the Prince go, yeah?”
“Yes, yes, of course. Please just don’t hurt him.”
Two of the women came over to Maria with chains and placed them tightly around her wrists. Even though she never actually practiced magic herself, it seemed the villagers thought that she did.
“Just so you know, those chains restrict all magic. So, now that you’re harmless, we can get rid of this one…”
[[And they both put their swords up to Ivans neck. | Dead]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
Maria looks around the room. An old straw mattress sits on the floor, with no bed frame to be found. The rest of the furniture was scarce and stained horribly.
She counted 7 child-sized skulls along the opposing wall, one stacked upon one another.
[[Go Back| Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
In a certain kingdom, there lived a young maiden named Maria. The maiden lived alone in the Red Woods—that is, the wood where both magical and nonmagical beings dwelled, between the Dark and the White Woods. Although she lived alone, her soon-to-be fiancé, Prince Ivan, often visited with her and stayed the night when he had no duties at the castle. Unfortunately, the kingdom he was set to inherit was vehemently against magic. Both Maria and Prince Ivan believed that magic was not inherently evil, especially when the only thing ‘wrong’ with magic was the fact that it was not Christian. They were often alone in these views, but that never bothered them very much.
[[Until one day… | Hero/Princess START]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
Maria looks around the kitchen at the rotting flesh and bones, attempting to swat flies away. She could count about 17 child-sized skulls among the vast amount of other human bones on the stove and other kitchen furniture. Maria quickly retreated from the room before the sight of rotting flesh made her sick.
[[Go Back| Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
A grunt came from inside, and after a few seconds, the Lout opened the door and stared scrutinizingly at Maria.
“And what do //you// wannnt?” He slurred and swayed.
“Well—my love, Prince Ivan, he’s—“
“Been kidnapped again? Yeah, of course he has.” The Lout waved her off and started to walk back into his hut, not caring that he was stepping on piles of trash.
[[“Wait, can’t you help me? I need to know where they took him!” | Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Maria looks around the living room, scrunching her nose at the smell of the alcohol and trash haphazardly strewn across the room She counted 3 child-sized skulls amidst the sewage, surprised she was even able to see the sickly yellow sheen of the bones at all
[[Go Back| Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
Maria walked up to the door and opened it confidently, met with the smell of alcohol and trash scattered about the hut.
“Uhm…Lout? I need you to tell me where my love has been taken!”
The Lout emerged from the piles of clutter, swaying slightly on his feet. He looked old and disheveled, with gangly limbs and a sour smell. There is a crazed look in his eyes that put Maria even more on edge.
“You barge into my house and expect me to help you? You must have become a comedian, Maria.”
He began to try to push her out of the house, but Maria stood strong.
[[“You’re the only joke I see here. Tell me where my Ivan was taken!” | Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
Maria walked up to the door and opened it confidently.
“Uhm…Lout? I need you to tell me where my love has been taken! … Again, again.”
The Lout emerged swaying slightly on his feet.
“You barge into my house and expect me to help you again? You really need some new jokes, Maria.”
He began to try to push her out of the house, but Maria stood strong.
[[“You’re the only joke I see here. Tell me where my Ivan was taken!” | Test Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Maria walked up to the door and opened it confidently, met with the smell of alcohol and trash scattered about.
“Uhm…Lout? I need you to tell me where my love has been taken! … Again.”
The Lout emerged from the piles of clutter, swaying slightly on his feet.
“You barge into my house and expect me to help you again? How is that comedy gig going, Maria?”
He began to try to push her out of the house, but Maria stood strong.
[[“You’re the only joke I see here. Tell me where my Ivan was taken!” | Test Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)(set: $boneNo to(prompt:"Tell me Maria, how large is my bone collection?",""))
{(if: $boneNo is "27")[
“Hmph. You can find your Prince in the thrice tenth kingdom. That’s all I’ve got for ya.” And with that, the Lout closed his door on Maria.
[[Great job! |Test Pass One]]
“Wrong!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“Wrong!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Maria disregards Proppy’s offer to help, and as a result, continues to only scare the horses away. Eventually, the sun had set and the Lout appeared before her.
“Fail!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)With Proppy’s help, Maria began to successfully herd the mares.
“Go, go! To the Lout’s house with you!”’ Proppy yelled.
The mares galloped quickly to the front porch of the house before stopping.
The Lout, now leaning against the edge of the entryway huffed at Maria.
“Hmph. You can find your Prince now in the thrice twentieth kingdom. That’s all I’ve got for ya.”
And with that, the Lout went inside and closed his door on Maria.
“Oh, uhm, thank you! The thrice twentieth… that’s quite far! How am I supposed to walk all that way before they do something to Ivan?”
“Look to your left, Maria!” Proppy exclaims. “That hut on chicken legs can take you there!”
[[Walk over to the hut and inspect it. | Hut Inspect]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“You heard me, Baba Yaga, you ugly witch”
Baba Yaga seethed as the child stuck her tongue out. This child was extremely disrespectful, and she was threatening her! Baba Yaga came up with a plan.
[[“Oh, yes, I’ll help you, child. But first you must clean my oven!” | Choice Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
The girl, known as Vasilisa, knocked on the door, waiting patiently for Rotisserie to open it itself. She hesitantly stepped inside before looking around and noticing Baba Yaga sitting in the corner on a rocking chair.
“Now child, why might you have entered my hut with no welcome?”
The young girl did not meet Baba Yaga’s eyes. Instead, she only stared at the skulls, plants, and dried herbs scattered around the hut with a mix of curiosity and unease.
“Oh Grandmother, my terrible step-sisters and my step-mother have sent me to retrieve fire for our home! It went out early this morning and I have traveled so long I have watched the day go by!”
[[What does it matter what this girl’s woes are? It's dinner time. | Eat Up]]
[[There’s something about this girl, though. Maybe if she passes a few tests first… | First Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $girl to "girl")
(enchant: $girl,_color)
“Wait, Baba Yaga, not this one!” Proppy whispered from his place by the fire.
“What do you mean, ‘not this one?’ You don’t want me to eat her?”
Vasilisa looks up at Baba Yaga, with something akin to fear in her large doe eyes. She seemed to be silently pleading with Baba Yaga, which made Baba Yaga let out a sharp sounding laugh.
“Don’t worry dear child, I won’t eat you!”
[[There’s something about this girl. Maybe if she passes a few tests first… | First Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
“These stepsisters of yours could not have ventured here themselves, hm?” Baba Yaga inquiries.
“No Grandmother, they are very cruel to me and wouldn’t dare to mess with someone as dangerous as you.”
“Hmm, I know their type. Regardless of the number of tasks they force you to do, they simply lounge around all day. Even still, you seem very good to them. Do you think you could clean my stove and make me a great feast?”
“Oh, Grandmother, I will certainly try!”
“In that case, I must go, but when I return, the meal must be ready.”
[[Leave and come back at sunset. | Vasilisa Pass One]]
[[Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I’ll eat the girl anyways | Vasilisa Is Eaten]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
As Baba Yaga leaves in her mortar and pestle, covering her tracks behind her with the broom, she remembers the days when she herself was tested by the Lout. She never would have thought that she would be the one giving out tests.
[[She dismisses her thoughts and begins heading back to the hut when she notices the sun setting. | Hut Return]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Without any warning, Baba Yaga swoops in on Vasilisa. She eats the young girl quickly, licking her fingers clean from the meal.
“Wait! You can’t do that!!” Proppy exclaims.
[[Try again. | First Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $girl to "girl")
(enchant: $girl,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
Baba Yaga arrived at the hut, already smelling the freshly cooked chicken that was prepared for her.
As Rotisserie opened the door for her, Baba Yaga saw that her stove was sparkling and the table was set with copious amounts of food. Rotisserie happily hums before opening and closing its shutters, while Baba Yaga thinks about when the last time it may have been properly cleaned.
“Oh Grandmother! Hello! Do you like how it looks?”
Before even saying anything, Baba Yaga scarfs down the meal set upon her table.
[[The girl has certainly passed this first test. |Second Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
“Why, this is actually pretty decent…” Baba Yaga says quietly. It had been a while since she had had such a nicely prepared meal.
“However, this is not enough! For your next task, tomorrow, you will separate this barrel of wheat and poppy seeds. I expect you to do this in due haste before sunset.” Baba Yaga then set a heavy barrel in front of Vasilisa.
“Oh!” exclaimed Vasilisa, “this certainly seems impossible to do, but I will try my best for you, Grandmother.”
[[Leave and come back once the sun is down. | Vasilisa Pass Two]]
[[I’ve had enough of this, I’ll just eat her up. | Vasilisa Is Eaten Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
Baba Yaga left Vasilisa to her sorting, and hopped into her mortar and pestle, wiping away her tracks with the broom. She was truly surprised at the girl’s determination and prowess throughout the two tests she had already gone through.
Soon, the appearance of red and orange hues in the sky had signaled that the sun was setting.
[[Baba Yaga once again traveled back to Rotisserie. | Return Hut Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
Without any warning, Baba Yaga swooped in on Vasilisa. She ate the young girl quickly, licking her fingers clean from her meal.
“Baba Yaga, you can’t do that!” Proppy exclaims,
[[Try again.. |Second Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
When Baba Yaga returned, she begun eagerly looking around to see what Vasilisa had done. Soon her eyes fell on the young girl sitting on the floor near two bowls filled with seeds. To her surprise, Vasilisa had indeed managed to separate the two types of seeds.
“It was quite hard Grandmother, but I was able to do what you asked!” Vasilisa said warmly.
[[Fine then, it seems like one final test is needed. | Third Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
Determined, Baba Yaga goes into the depths of her hut to retrieve something. She soon comes out with the dustiest barrel she could find. Inside of the barrel was a mixture of dust and tiny black poppy seeds.
“For your final task you are to separate the dust from these poppy seeds! You have till sunset once more!”
[[Leave the hut to come back at sunset. | Vasilisa Pass Three]]
[[Give up and just eat her. | Vasilisa Is Eaten Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
Baba Yaga leaves Vasilisa to her sorting once more, hopping into her mortar and pestle swiping away the tracks with her broom. She would be truly surprised if Vasilisa managed to solve Baba Yaga’s hardest test yet.
[[Once more, sunset had fallen and Baba Yaga returned to Rotisserie. | Return Hut Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
Vasilisa Is Eaten Three
Without any warning, Baba Yaga swooped in on Vasilisa. She ate the young girl quickly, licking her fingers clean from her meal.
“Baba Yaga, you can’t just do that!” Proppy exclaims.
[[Try again… | Third Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
Once more, Rotisserie swung the door open for Baba Yaga upon her arrival. Baba Yaga wasted no time striding into the hut and looking at Vasilisa with a fierce gaze. Vasilisa was indeed able to separate the fine particles of dust from the poppy seeds. The young girl looked at Baba Yaga with pride, walking up to her and handing her the two bowls.
“Here Grandmother, the dust and poppy seeds that you asked for.” Vasilisa said with a smile.
Baba Yaga looked at the young girl’s sincere expression and let out a long sigh.
“Well… I cannot deny it any longer. You have passed all of the tests I have given you. Wait just one moment, dear.” Baba Yaga said rather fondly, stepping away from Vasilisa.
[[She walks to a deeper part of the hut to grab the reward for Vasilisa. | Retrieve Magical Agent]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
Rummaging around a bit, she finally pulls out an ashen looking skull with eye sockets full of dancing fire. The flame looked unnatural, too bright and lively compared to any other fire. Humming in content, Baba Yaga brought back the hellish skull and placed it in Vasilisa’s hand.
“Here dear, this will help you with your problem.”
“Thank you so much Grandmother!” Vasilia said with glee “You really aren’t as bad as the stories say you to be. I should be getting back to the house now, then.”
[[Baba Yaga watched as she walked away, waving her off into the forest. | After Vasilisa]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
Once Vasilisa had left her sight, Baba Yaga immediately turned to where Proppy was lying on the ground.
“Obviously, I’m quite glad that you did not force me to eat that child, but can I ask you why that girl in particular was allowed to live on?”
Proppy rolled his eyes. “She reminded you of yourself, did she not? That child was a special one. She is the one that has led you to your destiny.”
“My destiny? I thought you were done with that when you made me into a cannibal?”
“Not quite.”
[[Baba Yaga huffed. “Explain.” | Mediation]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
“Your destiny, Baba Yaga, was to become a mediator.”
Baba Yaga looked at him questioningly, so he continued on.
“A mediator acts as the in-between for something. That girl is going to go home, where she is beautiful and kind, yet abused, and everything is going to change for her. In this case, you have acted as the in-between for her and her ugly and mean, yet celebrated, step-sisters. Your help will allow these discrepancies to be fixed. Additionally, you have acted as the mediator between life and death for all of the children that have sought you out.”
[[“Hmm… the in-between…” | Meditation]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
“So… It’s sort of like how the Red Woods are the in-between of the White and Dark woods?”
“Yes!” Proppy exclaimed. “Exactly, Baba Yaga.”
“Well then… Could you say that I act as a mediator for… good and bad? For magic and non-magic? Even for young and old?”
Proppy hummed along.
“Wow… What if I even decided to mediate between masculine and feminine?”
“Go for it,” Proppy encouraged.
“Interesting…” Baba Yaga smiled to herself.
[[This was the first day in a while that she had smiled so much. | Reflection One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
The next morning, Baba Yaga hummed to herself as she made her tea. She absentmindedly grabbed a mug from the cabinet to put the hot water in.
When she looked into the mug of water, before putting the tea in, she looked at herself for a few moments. Something seemed… different.
Was she just imagining things, or did her features look slightly softer? Her hair less grey? Her skin less translucent? No-no, she must have just been imagining it, surely…
[[Baba Yaga also noticed that the mug she had grabbed was one of Ivan’s favorites. | Ivan’s favorites]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
She had been doing that a lot, lately. Using Ivan’s favorite items. Maybe she missed him, or wanted to feel close to him again. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Baba Yaga wondered, for just a moment, if Ivan would be happy for her.
But then, she shook her head. It doesn’t matter either way. He’s long gone now. All she has to think about is what is happening now.
[[She carried on with her day. | Reflection Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
When Baba Yaga went outside that day for firewood, she noticed something glinting in the yard. It was a cracked mirror.
When she looked down at it, it almost seemed as if her legs had gained some fat and muscle back. Surely that wasn’t true, though? They were certainly still bony, she must have been making things up
[[Baba Yaga picked up the mirror, which she realized was likely dropped by one of the children that came to her for help. | Children]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $children to "children")
(enchant: $children,_color)
Baba Yaga felt a pang of guilt in her chest. She used to help these children… She used to be kind.
And sure, she’s decided now to start testing them before gobbling them up, which Proppy seems fine with, but does that make up for all of the ones she ate without a second thought?
Proppy told her when she let that one girl leave that she had finally reached her destiny. He said that she is meant to be a mediator. Baba Yaga still didn’t like the idea of eating the children that aren’t able enough to pass her tests, but she supposed this was better than before.
And becoming such a ‘mediator’ had helped her realize some things about herself.
[[Baba Yaga put the mirror back down onto the grass, and continued with her day. | Reflection Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $children to "children")
(enchant: $children,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
Baba Yaga decided to take a walk to the nearby lake. She did not allow Rotisserie to accompany her, nor did she bring the mortar and pestle. She did, however, pick Proppy up from his corner and bring him along.
When she arrived at the lake, Baba Yaga sat down, placing Proppy next to her, and leaned over the water to splash some on her face.
In doing so, she noticed that her fingers appeared less pale and wrinkled. Maybe it was just a trick of the light here, in the Red Woods, but she wasn’t sure.
[[She turned to Proppy and poised to ask him a question. | Questions]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
“Why did you choose to help me towards my destiny? What was the point of adding one more evil witch to the world?”
Proppy sighed. “I told you, you’re not an evil witch, you’re a mediator. Mediators are very important in helping along other people’s destiny. There are many reasons why you, in particular, had to become one.”
“Okay… but how did you know that I was even capable of becoming one? That I was able enough to make it through all of this, without becoming purely evil?”
“That, is something I cannot tell you. You must either figure it out on your own or you will never know.”
Baba Yaga huffed and continued staring at her reflection for a few moments. “Truly… I don’t even know how I had the strength to overcome these things. It feels as though it must have been… Oh, thats it!”
[[Continue | Realization]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerbe to "you’re")
(enchant: $playerbe,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerpos to "your")
(enchant: $playerpos,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
“And what would that be?” Proppy asked, again raising his nonexistent eyebrows.
“It must have been someone else! Someone else has been guiding my actions, helping me not to fail horribly!”
“Uh, obviously.” Proppy’s googly eyes rolled up to the sky and back down again. “Did you forget that I existed?”
“No, not you, you sentient walking stick! Someone outside our realm. And I bet they’re still listening right now.”
“Yeah as long as they didn’t get bored of this already.”
“You shut your mouth, I can still throw you into this pond!”
[[Continue | Fourth Wall]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerpos to "your")
(enchant: $playerpos,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
“Anyways… Hey, if you’re listening right now… I would like to say thank you. I think we all know that I probably would never have even passed the Lout’s first test without you. Maybe I wouldn’t have even left my house! I may have still just been little Maria, waiting for someone else to go out and save my Prince. And surely this is not the life I would have wanted for myself but… Well, at least I have a life. And some parts of the journey weren’t too bad! I found Rotisserie and my speedy mortar and pestle.”
“Nothing to say about me?”
“I repeat, there is a lake right in front of us. Do you wish to be thrown into it?”
Proppy shut his mouth.
[[Continue | Thanks]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerbe to "you’re")
(enchant: $playerbe,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
“Regardless of the worst of this journey, I have at the least found my ‘destiny.’ And I think, for once in my life, I do feel complete. Anyone who can make another person complete, I feel, is a real hero. All I did was follow what everyone told me to do. Since you were so good at guiding me, you should definitely go on your own journey some time! I’m sure it would be the best journey ever.”
“Well,” Proppy pipes up, “I still think I should get a good deal of praise here for resting the story line every time you did fail, but… I suppose you, Player, are the main catalyst for change here. Baba Yaga has only been a false hero, villain, donor, and, now, a dispatcher. You are the one that this was all made for. You are the true hero.”
Baba Yaga hummed. “I think I can speak for both of us when I say I thank you with all of my heart. Now go, have your own fun!”
[[Yes. | End credits]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerpos to "your")
(enchant: $playerpos,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(live: 5s)[
Brooke Black
Brielle Decarolis
Ethan McNichols
Evania Nogueras
“Oh, uhm, thank you! The thrice tenth… but wait, how am I to find the thrice tenth kingdom?”
When Maria went to knock upon the door, she heard a voice she couldn’t quite identify.
“Take up the stick of birch with foreign markings to your right. It will show you the way to your destiny.”
Well… the voice sounded similar enough to the Lout, she supposed.
[[Pick up the stick and try to look closer at its markings. | Stick Inspect]]
[[Pick up the stick and make haste to save Ivan. | Stick Screams]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)There was a hard of white mares peacefully grazing. Maria did her best to push them to the Lout’s house, but they kept running away from her.
“Hey, Maria,” Proppy called out, “You can use me as a shepherds staff if you want. I’ll make sure that the mares follow your directions.”
[[“I don’t need your help, I can do this on my own!” |Test Fail Two]]
[[“Oh, thank you, Proppy! That would help a lot!” |Test Pass Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
Maria falls asleep, unable to resist any longer.
“Wrong!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
Maria manages to keep herself awake for the moment and frowns at the horrible music the Lout is making. But soon the drowsiness starts to take over once more…
[[Go to sleep. | Test Fail Three]]
[[Stay awake. | Test Pass Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
Maria had found herself fully awake as the song ended in a loud screech.
“Hmph. You can find your Prince now in the thrice thirtieth kingdom. That’s all I’ve got for ya.”
And with that, the Lout closed his door on Maria.
“Oh, well, thank you again! The thrice thirtieth kingdom is even further! I don’t know if Rotisserie is able to go that far!”
“Look to your right, Maria!” Proppy calls out. “That magic mortar and pestle should be able to take you there!”
[[Walk over to the mortar and pestle to inspect it. | Mortar Inspect]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
Once Vasilisa had left her sight, Baba Yaga immediately turned to where Proppy was lying on the ground.
“Obviously, I’m quite glad that you did not force me to eat that child, but can I ask you why that girl in particular was allowed to live on?”
Proppy rolled his eyes. “She reminded you of yourself, did she not? That child was a special one. She is the one that has led you to your destiny.”
“My destiny? I thought you were done with that when you made me into a cannibal?”
“Not quite.”
[[Baba Yaga huffed. “Explain.” | Mediation]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)A group of people came running into the hut, as soon as the door was opened. Maria could just barely see Ivan outside, being held back by two larger men. There were a couple of women children outside as well, most of them looking scared, but others looking vengefully at Maria
The people that entered the hut headed straight for Maria, but Rotisserie flung furniture at them and made some of their legs fall through floorboards to trap them. Maria was able to swing her knife at the few that reached her.
She ran outside as fast as she could and tried to confront the large man holding Ivan.
That was when she noticed they were holding swords, one pointed at Ivan’s neck, and the other pointed towards Maria.
She stopped in her tracks a few feet before them, panting.
[[ “Wh-Why are you doing this? What have we ever done to you people? He is your prince!” | Why]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)One day, a small child approaches the hut on chicken legs.
Before Ivan’s death, Maria was known as sort of a grandmotherly figure in their kingdom. A hermit-like, and maybe a little unconventional, yet sweet woman who would give her aid to small children if they asked her politely enough.
Thus, this child, a very round boy who was always snacking on some form of bread or cake, came to Baba Yaga for her help.
[[However, this child was anything but polite. | Confrontation One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The following day, a third child approaches.
This child seems to be neither girl nor boy, and they prove themself to be extremely curious and witty.
[[As soon as they knock on the hut’s door, they begin asking questions | Confrontation Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The next day, a second child approaches.
This child is a young girl, who smells like a Russian but seems to be polite at first glance. Until she speaks, that is.
“Hey, old hag. Tell me where my sister is or I’ll tell my parents we should finish you off.
[[“Excuse me?” | Confrontation Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)Baba Yaga felt a pang of guilt in her chest. She used to help these children… She used to be kind.
And sure, she’s decided now to start testing them before gobbling them up, which Proppy seems fine with, but does that make up for all of the ones she ate without a second thought?
Proppy told her when she let that one girl leave that she had finally reached her destiny. He said that she is meant to be a mediator. Baba Yaga still didn’t like the idea of eating the children that aren’t able enough to pass her tests, but she supposed this was better than before.
And becoming such a ‘mediator’ had helped her realize some things about herself.
[[Baba Yaga put the mirror back down onto the grass, and continued with her day. | Reflection Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $children to "children")
(enchant: $children,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria slowly sits up and stretches her arms above her head. She slides her slippers onto her feet, stands up, and shuffles to the kitchen with eyes half-open.
“M-Maria, don’t you want to go see if Ivan is okay?” Proppy calls out to her from the table.
[[“Let me make my tea first.” | Tea One]]
[[“Oh, you’re right! What am I doing still in the house when he could be hurt?” | Hurry One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria slowly sits up and stretches her arms above her head. Rotisserie slides her slippers under her feet. Maria puts them on and stands up, shuffles to the kitchen with eyes half-open.
“M-Maria, don’t you want to go see if Ivan is okay?” Proppy calls out to her from the table.
[[“Let me make my tea first.” | Tea Two]]
[[“Oh, you’re right! What am I doing still in the house when he could be hurt?” | Hurry Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“My name is Hansel. My family are the rich ones that recently moved here from Germany.”
Baba Yaga seethed as he began to pick at her walls and attempt to put the paint chips in his mouth. This boy's family was involved in killing Ivan! And he’s ruining her new paint! She should not help him! She came up with a plan.
“Yes, child, I think I can help you… I just need you to reach into my oven first. There is some cake in there that you can eat on your journey to them.”
“Ooh, cake!”
[[Push the child into the oven and eat him. | Eat First Child]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $hansel to "Hansel")
(enchant: $hansel,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The child went on, rambling and asking questions but never giving Baba Yaga time to respond. She didn’t mind curiosity too much, as long as the child didn’t ask the wrong kinds of questions…
“And what about the garden outside? Do you maintain it? Because if so, you’re not doing a great job–”
And Baba Yaga snapped. She ordered for the child to get into her oven, and then she would answer all their questions.
“Oh, well.. I’m not exactly sure how to get into the oven. Do you want me to do it like this? Or maybe this? Should my legs be up or down?--”
[[Show the child how they should lay in the oven yourself. | Refuse to Eat Two]]
[[Simply push him inside of the oven. | Eat Child Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)The child huffed petulantly, but climbed inside of the oven to clean it.
[[Turn the oven on and eat the child. | Eat Child Two]]
[[Leave the child be. | Refuse to Eat One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)The child approached Baba Yaga’s hut and opened her door.
“Hello, old grandma. I need you to help me find my way back home. Also, your house looks kind of like bread. Can I eat some of it? I’ll only take a bit, I promise.”
Baba Yaga contemplated her response as she watched the child drool a little, staring at her beige walls.
[[ “Who is your family, child?” | Choice One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)“Greetings Baba Yaga! Do you mind if I ask you some questions about your hut? Great! So first off, I have to say I was really curious about the three horsemen I saw on my way over. I mean are they friends of yours or something? And also how does your mortar and pestle work? It must be hard to push that along right? SO are you really strong or is it just magic? Or maybe both? You do have a pretty big build. And also why does your hut have chicken legs? Is it like transformed from a chicken or like–”
[[“These certainly are some interesting questions–” | Choice Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)“You heard me, Baba Yaga, you ugly witch”
Baba Yaga seethed as the child stuck her tongue out. This child was extremely disrespectful, and she was threatening her! Baba Yaga came up with a plan.
[[“Oh, yes, I’ll help you, child. But first you must clean my oven!” | Choice Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)Rotisserie opened its door for Maria, and she hopped right in with Proppy in hand. Rotisserie hummed happily and began to the thrice twentieth kingdom. It dropped Maria off in front of the dungeons.
[[Maria entered the dungeons and went straight to the cage that held her beloved. | Kingdom Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $stick to "stick")
(enchant: $stick,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)The stick cringed. “Oh, please, Magic Stick of Epickness was my father. Please, call me Proppy.”
“Okay Proppy… I have to ask, what’s your mothers name, then?”
“Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp.”
“Oh… peculiar.”
[[Maria continues on to the thrice tenth kingdom, and eventually, their dungeons, guided by Proppy. | Kingdom One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $stick to "stick")
(enchant: $stick,_color)Maria sat Proppy inside the mortar with her, and began spurring it with the pestle, wiping away her tracks with the broom. Eventually she reached the thrice thirtieth kingdom, and entered its dungeons.
[[She went straight to the cage that Ivan was in. | Kingdom Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $stick to "stick")
(enchant: $stick,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)And then they slit his throat.
Maria watched them, through tears, straining against the chains that they had only just placed on her.
“Why? Why would you do that–you–you said you would let him be? Whats wrong with you all?”
The men dropped Ivan’s now limp body.
“We figured we shouldn’t take any chances, just in case you had bewitched him anyways. Now, its your turn.”
The men slowly approached Maria, their blades still bloodied from Ivan’s neck. All that Maria could do now was close her eyes and shrink away from them.
[[But their blades never touched her. | Rotisserie]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria stays home. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria stays home. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria goes home with Rotisserie and Proppy. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria goes home with the mortar, Rotisserie, and Proppy. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Oh,” Ivan mutters. “I suppose if you’re sure, we can try.”
So Maria and Ivan left the dungeons and went to the king to ask for a home in the kingdom.
Upon seeing Ivan out of the dungeon, he called his guards to put Ivan back.
And then he had Maria executed.
[[Happy now? | Kingdom Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)“Oh,” Ivan mutters. “I suppose if you’re sure, we can try.”
So Maria and Ivan left the dungeons and went to the king to ask for a home in the kingdom.
Upon seeing Ivan out of the dungeon, he called his guards to put Ivan back.
And then he had Maria executed.
[[Happy now? | Kingdom Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Oh… If you're sure, then…
Maria stays home. She walks back into her hut and closes the door. Ivan does not return, and Maria does not go out to save Ivan.
In fact, she does not go out at all.
The patch of absinthe, now untended, grows to dominate the flowers ringed around the hut.
She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you're")
(enchant: $player,_color)“Oh,” Ivan mutters. “I suppose if you’re sure, we can try.”
So Maria and Ivan left the dungeons and went to the king to ask for a home in the kingdom.
Upon seeing Ivan out of the dungeon, he called his guards to put Ivan back.
And then he had Maria executed.
[[Happy now? | Kingdom One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Oh… If you’re sure, then…
Maria goes home. She does not go out to save Ivan. In fact, she does not go out at all. She becomes a hermit. And she dies sad and alone.
[[Happy now? | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)What are you talking about? He’s your boyfriend, and the Prince of this kingdom! If you don’t save him, you'll never be married, and the citizens and the royal family will come to hate you!
[[“I suppose you’re right, I do love him.” | Departure One]]
[[“I think I hate the Lout more than I love Ivan.” | Death One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Maria set off into the forest in search of the Lout, making her way through pines, apsens, and birch trees.
She traveled for a long time, or a short time, until she came upon a run-down hut. There were bones scattered all around the yard and the house, if it could be called that, was undeniably neglected.
She approached the door, which was hanging on by only a hinge.
[[Open the door. |Open Door One]]
[[Be polite! Knock first! |Knock One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“You must go see the lout and ask him!” the bird chirped.
Maria set off into the forest in Rotisserie, in search of the Lout.
She traveled for a long time, or a short time, until she came upon the run-down hut again, and approached its door.
[[Open the door. |Open Door Three]]
[[Be polite! Knock first! | Knock Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“You probably have to go see the lout and ask him!”
Maria set off into the forest in search of the Lout.
She traveled for a long time, or a short time, until she came upon the run-down hut again, and approached its door.
[[Open the door. |Open Door Two]]
[[Be polite! Knock first! | Knock Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Maria mostly stayed inside the hut, only going out for food and small amounts of firewood. Proppy stayed silent, now on the floor next to the rest of the firewood. Rotisserie did what it could to comfort Maria. The garden outside, and the old house that Ivan had turned into a garden shed, both were neglected.
No one from the kingdom really came near the hut anymore, out of fear. Not even the first animals would come near Maria’s domain.
Many villagers began to spread rumors of her, calling her ‘Baba Yaga,’ and Maria did all she could to live up to that title.
[[And then… | Child Approaches One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)“I did not see them pass, as I hid from them, but it sounded as if they headed West! That's through the Lout's part of the wood! He knows about all passings through his territory. If Ivan's captors went that way, he'll know where they're headed!”
“Ew,” She muttered. “How I hate asking that creep for anything…"
[[But, if it’s for Ivan, I would do anything.” | Departure One]]
[[...I mean, is it really worth it?” | Departure None]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)A small bird flew out of the bushes, nervous, and hovered before her. It was a fledgling, one of the couple that loved to nest in their hedges.
“Maria! Oh Maria, Maria, I can’t believe it! Prince Ivan has been kidnapped again! You have to go look for him so he can trim the hedges!”
Maria raised her hand to the bird and patted its head gently.
[[“Well... I really don’t want to see the Lout again.” | Fail to Depart Three]]
[[“Oh, that’s terrible. Tell me, do you know where he may have been taken?” | Departure Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")A red deer emerges from the treeline, frazzled. It was a young buck, one of the many that loved to rub their growing antlers on the tree trunks.
“Maria, oh Maria, you won’t believe it! The wonderful Prince Ivan has been taken! You must help bring him back so he can grow the trees!”
Maria approached the deer and began to rub its antler stubs.
[[“Hmm, I’m not sure. I really don’t want to see the Lout again.” | Fail to Depart Two]]
[[“Oh, that’s terrible. Tell me, do you know where he may have been taken?” | Departure Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Baba Yaga watched from the windows as a young girl approached the hut. She seemed small and frail, but she was definitely beautiful underneath all of the dirt on her face. She reminded Baba Yaga briefly of her days as Maria, waiting for the day when she would rule with her beloved.
[[Baba Yaga wonders for a moment what Ivan would think of her now. | Introductions]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $girl to "girl")
(enchant: $girl,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Maria stands up and looks at her closet for a few minutes, debating which color she should wear.
Proppy begins hyperventilating, his eyes bouncing around as he shakes. “M-Maria… Please, you really should go check on Ivan… H-he could be terribly hurt or far away.”
Maria decides to go with the red dress for today. She slides it on, along with her favorite pair of shoes.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go now!”
[[She grabs Proppy and goes outside to the garden. | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria stands up and looks at her closet for a few minutes, debating which color she should wear.
Proppy begins hyperventilating, his eyes bouncing around as he shakes. “M-Maria… Please, you really should go check on Ivan… H-he could be terribly hurt or far away.”
Rotisserie begins opening and closing the shutters as if it is fidgeting.
Maria decides to go with the grey dress for today. She slides it on, along with her favorite pair of shoes.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go now!”
[[She grabs Proppy and goes outside to the garden. | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Baba Yaga pushes the child inside out of frustration, then cooks and eats him. When she finishes off the child, she goes to enter her mortar and pestle for an after-dinner ride, but she notices something.
Her legs have become skinny and boney and hairy.
“Oh, fie! Even my legs have become ugly and deformed! And–Why in the world did I do that? That is the third innocent child I’ve eaten now–What have I done?”
There was plenty of room in the mortar now that she was skinny and frail.
[[Baba Yaga hated what was happening to her with all her heart. | Donor Arc Begins]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Baba Yaga soon after eats the child, and when she finishes it off, she catches sight of her face in a conveniently placed mirror.
Her features have grown large and saggy, and she has gained a mole.
“Oh, no! My once beautiful face has become disfigured! And—why in the world did I do that? I’ve eaten another innocent child—what have I done?”
Rotisserie made a groaning noise as it placed the mirror back where it was before.
[[Baba Yaga could tell that it too was anguished at the thought of what she was becoming. | Child Approaches Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)When Baba Yaga finishes off the child, she begins to lick her fingers, but she notices something.
Her fingers have become wrinkled and thin and pale.
“Oh, my! What is happening to my hands? And—why in the world did I do that? I’ve never eaten an innocent child before—what have I done?”
Proppy piped up from the pile of firewood she had placed him in.
“I thought you said you were to be a villain, Baba Yaga. This is what villains do. Remember the lout? Old, ugly, and cannibalistic? You will become like him soon.”
[[“I… don’t want to be like him…” | Child Approaches Two]]
[[“Well… I suppose if this is my destiny…” | Child Approaches Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Wait, Baba Yaga, not this one!” Proppy whispered from his place by the fire.
“What do you mean, ‘not this one?’ You don’t want me to eat her?”
Vasilisa looks up at Baba Yaga, with something akin to fear in her large doe eyes. She seemed to be silently pleading with Baba Yaga, which made Baba Yaga let out a sharp sounding laugh.
“Don’t worry dear child, I won’t eat you!”
[[There’s something about this girl. Maybe if she passes a few tests first… | First Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color){
(live: 5s)[
Brooke Black
Brielle Decarolis
Ethan McNichols
Evania Nogueras
}What are you talking about? He’s your boyfriend, and also the Prince of this kingdom! If you don’t save him, the citizens and the royal family will hate you!
[[“I suppose you’re right, I do love him.” | Departure Three]]
[[“I think I hate the Lout more than I love Ivan.” | Death 1.3]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)What are you talking about? He’s your boyfriend, and also the Prince of this kingdom! If you don’t save him, the citizens and the royal family will hate you!
[[“Sure, I want him back but… maybe he’ll find his way back on his own. I’ll stay home.” | Death 1.2]]
[[“Oh, I do wish to see him again… Alright, we’ll go!” | Departure Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“These stepsisters of yours could not have ventured here themselves, hm?” Baba Yaga inquiries.
“No Grandmother, they are very cruel to me and wouldn’t dare to mess with someone as dangerous as you.”
“Hmm, I know their type. Regardless of the number of tasks they force you to do, they simply lounge around all day. Even still, you seem very good to them. Do you think you could clean my stove and make me a great feast?”
“Oh, Grandmother, I will certainly try!”
“In that case, I must go, but when I return, the meal must be ready.”
[[Leave and come back at sunset. | Vasilisa Pass One]]
[[Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I’ll eat the girl anyways | Vasilisa Is Eaten]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)“Anyways… Hey, if you’re listening right now… I would like to say thank you. I think we all know that I probably would never have even passed the Lout’s first test without you. Maybe I wouldn’t have even left my house! I may have still just been little Maria, waiting for someone else to go out and save my Prince. And surely this is not the life I would have wanted for myself but… Well, at least I have a life. And some parts of the journey weren’t too bad! I found Rotisserie and my speedy mortar and pestle.”
“Nothing to say about me?”
“I repeat, there is a lake right in front of us. Do you wish to be thrown into it?”
Proppy shut his mouth.
[[Continue | Thanks]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerbe to "you’re")
(enchant: $playerbe,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Wait, whaaaatttt?”
“You’re seriously just gonna leave now? You’ve already come so far, and even confronted the Lout! Don’t you want to go save Ivan?”
“Well…” Maria sighed.
[[“But I’m so tired. I’d really rather just go back home.” | Death Two]]
[[“Ugh, fine. I guess I’ll keep going.” | Continue on Journey One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“Wait, whaaaatttt?”
“You’re seriously just gonna leave now? You’ve already come so far, and even confronted the Lout! Three times!! Don’t you want to go save Ivan?”
“Well…” Maria sighed.
[[“But I’m so tired. I’d really rather just go take a nap.” | Death 2.3]]
[[“Ugh, fine. I guess I’ll keep going.” | Continue on Journey Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“Wait, whaaaatttt?”
“You’re seriously just gonna leave now? You’ve already come so far, and even confronted the Lout! Twice!! Don’t you want to go save Ivan?”
Rotisserie made a creaking sound in protest as well.
“Well…” Maria sighed.
[[“But I’m so tired. I’d really rather just go take a nap.” | Death 2.2]]
[[“Ugh, fine. I guess I’ll keep going.” | Continue On Journey Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“Maria, Maria!” Came a small voice from within the flowerbeds.
“Maria!” the voice calls again, “the lovely Prince Ivan has been taken! You must help to get him back so he can water the flowers!”
The owner of that tiny voice crawls from a patch of absinthe, revealing themself to be a baby hedgehog- one of the handful that love to play hide and seek in the garden.
Maria sighs, leaning down to pat his tiny head.
[[“Again? This is almost the thrice fourth time this month.” | Dispatcher One]]
[[“Oh no! I’ll have to go and find him. Do you know whereabouts he might have been taken?” | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)Maria rushes outside in her nightgown and slippers, looking around frantically for her beloved.
The garden was empty, but there was some rustling in the bushes near the treeline.
[[Call out for Ivan | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Maria rushes outside in her nightgown and slippers, looking around frantically for her beloved.
She saw movement in the hedges out of the corner of her eye.
[[Call out for Ivan | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)The hut was indeed upon chicken legs. It was small and shabbily made out of wood logs, but it was quaint and cute. It looked to be just the right size for Maria and Ivan to live within once she rescued him.
Maria put her hand gently on the door.
“What was that?”
“Rotisserie is its name. Wonderful! It’s like both a pet and a house combined!”
“Uh…. yeah.” Proppy squinted at her. “Anyways, you can use that to carry you to the kingdom. It can walk faster and farther than most people, but it can’t go forever. I’d say the thrice twentieth kingdom is just within it’s range.”
[[“Amazing! Although… who really needs a boyfriend when I have a magical hut on legs?” | Go Home Two]]
[[“Carry me onwards to the thrice twentieth kingdom, Rotisserie!” | Continue On Journey Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Baba Yaga arrived at the hut, already smelling the freshly cooked chicken that was prepared for her.
As Rotisserie opened the door for her, Baba Yaga saw that her stove was sparkling and the table was set with copious amounts of food. Rotisserie happily hums before opening and closing its shutters, while Baba Yaga thinks about when the last time it may have been properly cleaned.
“Oh Grandmother! Hello! Do you like how it looks?”
Before even saying anything, Baba Yaga scarfs down the meal set upon her table.
[[The girl has certainly passed this first test. |Second Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)The girl, known as Vasilisa, knocked on the door, waiting patiently for Rotisserie to open it itself. She hesitantly stepped inside before looking around and noticing Baba Yaga sitting in the corner on a rocking chair.
“Now child, why might you have entered my hut with no welcome?”
The young girl did not meet Baba Yaga’s eyes. Instead, she only stared at the skulls, plants, and dried herbs scattered around the hut with a mix of curiosity and unease.
“Oh Grandmother, my terrible step-sisters and my step-mother have sent me to retrieve fire for our home! It went out early this morning and I have traveled so long I have watched the day go by!”
[[What does it matter what this girl’s woes are? It's dinner time. | Eat Up]]
[[There’s something about this girl, though. Maybe if she passes a few tests first… | First Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $girl to "girl")
(enchant: $girl,_color)Maria quickly tried to gather any type of weapon that she could find, and eventually Rotisserie slid her a small knife from the kitchen.
With this, Maira hurried to the door, braced herself and opened it quickly.
[[The next few moments were chaos. | Chaos]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)She had been doing that a lot, lately. Using Ivan’s favorite items. Maybe she missed him, or wanted to feel close to him again. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Baba Yaga wondered, for just a moment, if Ivan would be happy for her.
But then, she shook her head. It doesn’t matter either way. He’s long gone now. All she has to think about is what is happening now.
[[She carried on with her day. | Reflection Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)“What? I didn’t get him killed, that was just something that was meant to happen. I told you, Maria, I’m leading you to your destiny. Everything that happens is for a reason.”
Maria gripped the stick tighter. Even Rotisserie creaked angrily at Proppy’s words.
“If this is what my destiny is to be, I don’t want any part of it. And I certainly don’t want any part of you.”
And with that, Maria threw him aside, into the corner where she kept the firewood.
She went to bed with dried blood on her dress and tears of anger on her face. Rotisserie covered her with the softest blankets it had.
[[And that was that for a while. | Disarray]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“Maria! My love!”
Maria ran towards the cell upon hearing Ivan call out to her. She quickly found the keys to the cell and unlocked it.
Maria set Proppy down gently on a table so she could embrace her love.
“Maria,” Ivan sighed into her neck. “How I missed you so. Let’s say we get out of this wretched place and go back home?”
Maria looked away from Ivan, moving her gaze around the dark and musty dungeon. Her mind thought back to the kingdom above, with lavish decorations of gold and silk.
[[“Actually I rather enjoy this kingdom’s look. What if we simply stayed here?” | Remain One]]
[[“Yes, of course, my Prince. I hope you never have to see this place again.”| Return One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Maria! My love!”
Maria quickly found the keys to the cell and unlocked it.
Maria set Proppy down gently on a table so she could embrace her love.
“Maria,” Ivan sighed into her neck. “How I missed you so. Let’s say we get out of this wretched place and go back home?”
[[“Well, we are once again in a gorgeous new kingdom. What if we simply stayed here?” | Remain Three]]
[[“Yes, of course, my Prince. I hope you never have to see this place again.”| Return Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)“Maria! My love!”
Maria ran towards the cell upon hearing Ivan call out to her. She quickly found the keys to the cell and unlocked it.
Maria set Proppy down gently on a table so she could embrace her love.
“Maria,” Ivan sighed into her neck. “How I missed you so. Let’s say we get out of this wretched place and go back home?”
[[“You know, this kingdom is quite beautiful as well. What if we simply stayed here?” | Remain Two]]
[[“Yes, of course, my Prince. I hope you never have to see this place again.”| Return Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)A grunt came from inside, and after a few seconds, the Lout opened the door and stared scrutinizingly at Maria.
“Again? What do //you// wannnt this timeee?” He slurred and swayed.
“Well—my love, Prince Ivan, he’s—“
“Been kidnapped again? Yeah, of course he has.” The Lout waved her off and started to walk back into his hut.
[[“Wait, can’t you help me? I need to know where they took him once more!” | Test Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)A grunt came from inside, and after a few seconds, the Lout opened the door and stared scrutinizingly at Maria.
“And what do //you// wannnt this timeee?” He slurred and swayed.
“Well—my love, Prince Ivan, he’s—“
“Been kidnapped again? Yeah, of course he has.” The Lout waved her off and started to walk back into his hut.
[[“Wait, can’t you help me? I need to know where they took him this time!” | Test Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“Your destiny, Baba Yaga, was to become a mediator.”
Baba Yaga looked at him questioningly, so he continued on.
“A mediator acts as the in-between for something. That girl is going to go home, where she is beautiful and kind, yet abused, and everything is going to change for her. In this case, you have acted as the in-between for her and her ugly and mean, yet celebrated, step-sisters. Your help will allow these discrepancies to be fixed. Additionally, you have acted as the mediator between life and death for all of the children that have sought you out.”
[[“Hmm… the in-between…” | Meditation]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)“So… It’s sort of like how the Red Woods are the in-between of the White and Dark woods?”
“Yes!” Proppy exclaimed. “Exactly, Baba Yaga.”
“Well then… Could you say that I act as a mediator for… good and bad? For magic and non-magic? Even for young and old?”
Proppy hummed along.
“Wow… What if I even decided to mediate between masculine and feminine?”
“Go for it,” Proppy encouraged.
“Interesting…” Baba Yaga smiled to herself.
[[This was the first day in a while that she had smiled so much. | Reflection One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)There was a hard of white mares peacefully grazing. Maria did her best to push them to the Lout’s house, but they kept running away from her.
“Hey, Maria,” Proppy called out, “You can use me as a shepherds staff if you want. I’ll make sure that the mares follow your directions.”
[[“I don’t need your help, I can do this on my own!” |Test Fail Two]]
[[“Oh, thank you, Proppy! That would help a lot!” |Test Pass Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)The mortar and pestle did seem large enough for Maria to sit inside, with just barely enough room for one other person as well.
“Wow! My own vehicle!”
Maria hopped inside of the mortar and began using the pestle to go around in circles.
“SInce this is smaller, it can go almost twice as far as Rotisserie can! Although you should probably use something to cover your tracks with….”
Suddenly, Rotisserie opened its doors and spat out a broom for Maria to use.
“Oh, perfect! Thank you Rotisserie, you can go on back to the house if you want.”
[[“But really… Who needs a boyfriend when I have a magical mortar and pestle?” | Go Home Three]]
[[“Onwards I ride to the thrice thirtieth kingdom!” | Continue on Journey Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“Why did you choose to help me towards my destiny? What was the point of adding one more evil witch to the world?”
Proppy sighed. “I told you, you’re not an evil witch, you’re a mediator. Mediators are very important in helping along other people’s destiny. There are many reasons why you, in particular, had to become one.”
“Okay… but how did you know that I was even capable of becoming one? That I was able enough to make it through all of this, without becoming purely evil?”
“That, is something I cannot tell you. You must either figure it out on your own or you will never know.”
Baba Yaga huffed and continued staring at her reflection for a few moments. “Truly… I don’t even know how I had the strength to overcome these things. It feels as though it must have been… Oh, thats it!”
[[Continue | Realization]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerbe to "you’re")
(enchant: $playerbe,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerpos to "your")
(enchant: $playerpos,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria eventually stood up, laid Ivan’s body down, and entered Rotisserie, still covered in blood.
She made a point to slowly turn her head to where Proppy was laying on the table.
“You… You said you had my best interests in mind, didn’t you?”
The stick seemed hesitant. “Uhmm… yes? Why wouldn’t I?”
Maria stalked over to the table and gripped Proppy forcefully, nearly snapping him in half with the one hand.
[[“You got him killed.” | Killed]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“And what would that be?” Proppy asked, again raising his nonexistent eyebrows.
“It must have been someone else! Someone else has been guiding my actions, helping me not to fail horribly!”
“Uh, obviously.” Proppy’s googly eyes rolled up to the sky and back down again. “Did you forget that I existed?”
“No, not you, you sentient walking stick! Someone outside our realm. And I bet they’re still listening right now.”
“Yeah as long as they didn’t get bored of this already.”
“You shut your mouth, I can still throw you into this pond!”
[[Continue | Fourth Wall]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerpos to "your")
(enchant: $playerpos,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)The next morning, Baba Yaga hummed to herself as she made her tea. She absentmindedly grabbed a mug from the cabinet to put the hot water in.
When she looked into the mug of water, before putting the tea in, she looked at herself for a few moments. Something seemed… different.
Was she just imagining things, or did her features look slightly softer? Her hair less grey? Her skin less translucent? No-no, she must have just been imagining it, surely…
[[Baba Yaga also noticed that the mug she had grabbed was one of Ivan’s favorites. | Ivan’s favorites]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Baba Yaga decided to take a walk to the nearby lake. She did not allow Rotisserie to accompany her, nor did she bring the mortar and pestle. She did, however, pick Proppy up from his corner and bring him along.
When she arrived at the lake, Baba Yaga sat down, placing Proppy next to her, and leaned over the water to splash some on her face.
In doing so, she noticed that her fingers appeared less pale and wrinkled. Maybe it was just a trick of the light here, in the Red Woods, but she wasn’t sure.
[[She turned to Proppy and poised to ask him a question. | Questions]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)When Baba Yaga went outside that day for firewood, she noticed something glinting in the yard. It was a cracked mirror.
When she looked down at it, it almost seemed as if her legs had gained some fat and muscle back. Surely that wasn’t true, though? They were certainly still bony, she must have been making things up
[[Baba Yaga picked up the mirror, which she realized was likely dropped by one of the children that came to her for help. | Children]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $children to "children")
(enchant: $children,_color)Proppy raised his nonexistent eyebrow. “Baba Yaga? Don’t you want to eat this disrespectful child? I’m sure you’re hungry. Being evil takes a lot of energy.”
Baba Yaga sighed.
“I don’t want to become this evil witch that everyone thinks I am. And besides, why do you want me to be evil?”
“Because, Baba Yaga, that is your destiny!”
[[And with that, Proppy bounces over to the oven and turns it on, with the child still inside. |
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)Baba Yaga climbs into the oven to demonstrate, but the witty child turns the oven on and kills her.
[[Oopsies | Child Approaches Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#6495ed), $child to "child")
(enchant: $child,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)Ivan titled his head. “What? But Maria, they kidnapped me! Do you truly think they will let me roam the streets? And besides, we have our beautiful home and garden, why wouldn’t we go back to them?”
“Maria,” Proppy whispered to her, “what are you doing? Of course you should go home!”
[[“Really, I think this would make a great home.” | Death Three]]
[[“Ah, of course, you’re right, Ivan. Let’s go back.” | Return One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Ivan titled his head. “What? But Maria, they kidnapped me! Do you truly think they will let me roam the streets? And besides, we have our beautiful home and garden, as well as Rotisserie! why wouldn’t we go back to them?”
“Maria,” Proppy whispered to her, “what are you doing? Of course you should go home! Rotisserie will be left behind as well!”
[[“Really, I think this would make a great home.” | Death 3.3]]
[[“Ah, of course, you’re right, Ivan. Let’s go back.” | Return Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Ivan titled his head. “What? But Maria, they kidnapped me! Do you truly think they will let me roam the streets? And besides, we have our beautiful home and garden, why wouldn’t we go back to them?”
“Maria,” Proppy whispered to her, “what are you doing? Of course you should go home! Rotisserie will be left behind as well!”
[[“Really, I think this would make a great home.” | Death 3.2]]
[[“Ah, of course, you’re right, Ivan. Let’s go back.” | Return Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Rummaging around a bit, she finally pulls out an ashen looking skull with eye sockets full of dancing fire. The flame looked unnatural, too bright and lively compared to any other fire. Humming in content, Baba Yaga brought back the hellish skull and placed it in Vasilisa’s hand.
“Here dear, this will help you with your problem.”
“Thank you so much Grandmother!” Vasilia said with glee “You really aren’t as bad as the stories say you to be. I should be getting back to the house now, then.”
[[Baba Yaga watched as she walked away, waving her off into the forest. | After Vasilisa]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)Once more, Rotisserie swung the door open for Baba Yaga upon her arrival. Baba Yaga wasted no time striding into the hut and looking at Vasilisa with a fierce gaze. Vasilisa was indeed able to separate the fine particles of dust from the poppy seeds. The young girl looked at Baba Yaga with pride, walking up to her and handing her the two bowls.
“Here Grandmother, the dust and poppy seeds that you asked for.” Vasilisa said with a smile.
Baba Yaga looked at the young girl’s sincere expression and let out a long sigh.
“Well… I cannot deny it any longer. You have passed all of the tests I have given you. Wait just one moment, dear.” Baba Yaga said rather fondly, stepping away from Vasilisa.
[[She walks to a deeper part of the hut to grab the reward for Vasilisa. | Retrieve Magical Agent]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)When Baba Yaga returned, she begun eagerly looking around to see what Vasilisa had done. Soon her eyes fell on the young girl sitting on the floor near two bowls filled with seeds. To her surprise, Vasilisa had indeed managed to separate the two types of seeds.
“It was quite hard Grandmother, but I was able to do what you asked!” Vasilisa said warmly.
[[Fine then, it seems like one final test is needed. | Third Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)Maria, Ivan, and Proppy traveled a long time or a short time, until they reached their small home in the Red Woods. The hut was modest, but its contents inside made it feel warm and homy.
They had a nice dinner together and fell asleep holding each other as they usually do.
The next morning, Maria awakens to a cold bed, with Ivan nowhere in sight.
[[Take your time going outside, he’s probably just in the garden a bit earlier than usual today. | Chill One ]]
[[Hurry outside! What if he’s hurt or has been taken again? | Hurry One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria, Ivan, and Proppy left the dungeon and clambered into the mortar. When Maria showed him how it worked, Ivan agreed that the mortar and pestle was a fine vehicle for them to take.
And thus, they traveled a long time or a short time, until they reached their small home in the Red Woods, where Rotisserie waited for them. From their previous hut they moved all of their belongs, from the furniture to the plants that Ivan had so deeply cared for. Each and every little item had found its place within Rotisserie’s walls, making it feel more and more like a home that Maria and Ivan could live peacefully in. Even the hedgehog, red deer, and fledgling had stopped by to give greetings and gifts to Maria and Ivan.
They parked the mortar outside, then had a nice dinner together and fell asleep holding each other in the hut as they usually do.
[[The next morning, Maria awakens to a cold bed, with Ivan nowhere in sight. | Villain START]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $Rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Maria, Ivan, and Proppy left the dungeon and entered Rotisserie. Ivan was surprised to see such a magical hut, but once Maria explained to him what happened, he gladly agreed that they should move some of their items into the hut from their home.
With Rotisserie's help, they traveled a long time or a short time, until they reached their small home in the Red Woods.
They had a nice dinner together and fell asleep in Rotisserie holding each other as they usually do.
The next morning, Maria awakens to a cold bed, with Ivan nowhere in sight.
[[Take your time going outside, he’s probably just in the garden early today. | Chill Two]]
[[Hurry outside! What if he’s hurt or has been taken again? | Hurry Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)When Maria opened her eyes, she saw that Rotisserie had kicked the men away, far into the treeline.
Having watched this, the women all quickly fled.
Rotisserie then used one of its claws to break the chains off of Maria, making a sad and sympathetic squeak.
“Thank you Rotisserie…”
Maria ran over to Ivan’s crumpled body. His blood was all over his shirt, as well as the grass, and now it was on Maria’s nightdress.
Maria cried there for a while, overcome by her sadness.
And then, she felt a different emotion.
[[Rage. | Rage]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)“Well,” the stick began, “I’m Proppy, (text-color:#f2dd9c)[the Magick Stick of Epickness]. I’m here to lead you to your destiny, Maria. It would only make sense that I know who you are and that I can speak to you.”
“Oh, yes, of course… It would only make sense,” Maria nodded. (It did not make any sense to Maria).
“As you continue on your journey, I’ll be the one to guide you and make sure you do what you’re supposed to!”
Maria was slightly taken aback by this.
[[“Hey, I don’t need you to tell me what to do! I’m not like other helpless maidens, you know.” | Stickposition Two]]
[[“And how do you know what //I’m// supposed to do?” | Stickposition Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)The markings seem to be a mix of different letters as well as numbers, with 31 notches of even sizes going down it. Curious…
“Get off my lawn and go get your boyfriend already!!”
[[Maria jumped at the Lout’s voice from within the house, and she began upon her journey. | Stick Screams]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)As Maria started walking, she pondered how this stick could possibly aid her in finding Ivan. The stick had no metal or magnets on it, so it surely couldn’t have been a compass, right?
She tried pointing the stick in various directions, as well as holding the stick in different positions to see if she could measure the sky with it.
For a while, she could not figure what it’s trick must be.
[[Then, she held it one hand, tracing its markings with the other, and the stick spoke. | Stick Speaks]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)“Woah, there! Hey, I’m ticklish there, stop—!”
Two wide, droopy, googly, eyes opened and stared at Maria.
Out of shock, she dropped the stick on the ground and covered her mouth with both hands.
“Ow! Hey, that doesn’t mean I wanted you to just //drop// me, jeez, Maria.”
Maria slowly approached the stick and warily picked him up with two fingers.
“Uhm, look I’m sorry for dropping you and all but…
[[What are you?” | Stick Exposition]]
[[How do you know me?” | Stick Exposition]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)If the (text-color:#f2dd9c) [stick] had any arms, he probably would have raised them in the air in defense at this time.
“Hey, hey, no need to yell, I promise I’m not trying to boss you around or anything. To make it short, there’s a list of things you need to do in a certain order to reach your destiny. It’s something that’s ingrained within me, so I know it quite well. I have your best interests in mind, Maria. If you would like to find your love, you’ll want to start by traveling north.”
“Hmm… I suppose I’ll trust you then…”
[[“But really, who needs a boyfriend when I have a magical stick?” | Go Home One]]
[[“Lead me onwards to the thrice tenth kingdom, Magick Stick Of Epickness!” | Continue on Journey One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Maria puts the kettle onto the stove and waits patiently for the water to boil, yawning occasionally. When it’s ready, she pours the water into a cup and places her favorite tea inside.
“Uhm, Maria?” Proppy calls out again, breathing heavily. “You really should probably go see if Ivan is okay, right? I mean, a-anything could have happened to him, right?”
[[“I’m still not dressed yet. I don’t want to go out there in my nightclothes.” | Dress One]]
[[“Yes, I should go check on him, anything could have happened!” | Hurry One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria puts the kettle onto the stove and waits patiently for the water to boil, yawning occasionally. When it’s ready, she pours the water into a cup and places her favorite tea inside.
“Uhm, Maria?” Proppy calls out again, breathing heavily. “You really should probably go see if Ivan is okay, right? I mean, a-anything could have happened to him, right?”
Rotisserie nervously creaks as well.
[[“I’m still not dressed yet. I don’t want to go out there in my nightclothes.” | Dress Two]]
[[“Yes, I should go check on him, anything could have happened!” | Hurry Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Maria falls asleep, unable to resist any longer.
“Wrong!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)He grumbled and muttered to himself for a moment before turning back to Maria.
“If you can pass this test… maybe I’ll give you a hint.”
“Here in my hut, there are three rooms. Go in each room and count how many skulls are there. Then come back and try to tell me how many children I have eaten. Shoo, shoo.”
[[Enter living room|Living Room]]
[[Enter kitchen|Kitchen]]
[[Enter bedroom|Bedroom]]
[["I'm ready to answer!"|Test 1 Gate]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Maria had found herself fully awake as the song ended in a loud screech.
“Hmph. You can find your Prince now in the thrice thirtieth kingdom. That’s all I’ve got for ya.”
And with that, the Lout closed his door on Maria.
“Oh, well, thank you again! The thrice thirtieth kingdom is even further! I don’t know if Rotisserie is able to go that far!”
“Look to your right, Maria!” Proppy calls out. “That magic mortar and pestle should be able to take you there!”
[[Walk over to the mortar and pestle to inspect it. | Mortar Inspect]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)He grumbled and muttered to himself for a moment before turning back to Maria.
“If you can pass this third test… maybe I’ll give you a hint. This time, you must listen to me play the gusla.That may sound simple, but if you fall asleep while I play it, then you will have failed!”
The Lout pulls a one-stringed instrument and a bow from one of the trash piles. He begins to play it, the sound it emits sounding like a dog with a horse throat.
Somehow, the sound still makes you feel quite sleepy…
[[Go to sleep. | Test Fail Three]]
[[Stay awake and bear with the terrible sound. |Awake]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)He grumbled and muttered to himself for a moment before turning back to Maria.
“If you can pass this test… maybe I’ll give you a hint. There is a herd of mares in a small moor near my house. Bring the herd to my lawn before sundown.”
[[Maria hurries off to the moor he had described. | Moor]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)“Regardless of the worst of this journey, I have at the least found my ‘destiny.’ And I think, for once in my life, I do feel complete. Anyone who can make another person complete, I feel, is a real hero. All I did was follow what everyone told me to do. Since you were so good at guiding me, you should definitely go on your own journey some time! I’m sure it would be the best journey ever.”
“Well,” Proppy pipes up, “I still think I should get a good deal of praise here for resting the story line every time you did fail, but… I suppose you, Player, are the main catalyst for change here. Baba Yaga has only been a false hero, villain, donor, and, now, a dispatcher. You are the one that this was all made for. You are the true hero.”
Baba Yaga hummed. “I think I can speak for both of us when I say I thank you with all of my heart. Now go, have your own fun!”
[[Yes. | End credits]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $player to "you")
(enchant: $player,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#fb7e7e), $playerpos to "your")
(enchant: $playerpos,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)Determined, Baba Yaga goes into the depths of her hut to retrieve something. She soon comes out with the dustiest barrel she could find. Inside of the barrel was a mixture of dust and tiny black poppy seeds.
“For your final task you are to separate the dust from these poppy seeds! You have till sunset once more!”
[[Leave the hut to come back at sunset. | Vasilisa Pass Three]]
[[Give up and just eat her. | Vasilisa Is Eaten Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)Without any warning, Baba Yaga swoops in on Vasilisa. She eats the young girl quickly, licking her fingers clean from the meal.
“Wait! You can’t do that!!” Proppy exclaims.
[[Try again. | First Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $girl to "girl")
(enchant: $girl,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)Vasilisa Is Eaten Three
Without any warning, Baba Yaga swooped in on Vasilisa. She ate the young girl quickly, licking her fingers clean from her meal.
“Baba Yaga, you can’t just do that!” Proppy exclaims.
[[Try again… | Third Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)Without any warning, Baba Yaga swooped in on Vasilisa. She ate the young girl quickly, licking her fingers clean from her meal.
“Baba Yaga, you can’t do that!” Proppy exclaims,
[[Try again.. |Second Test]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#f2dd9c), $proppy to "Proppy")
(enchant: $proppy,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)As Baba Yaga leaves in her mortar and pestle, covering her tracks behind her with the broom, she remembers the days when she herself was tested by the Lout. She never would have thought that she would be the one giving out tests.
[[She dismisses her thoughts and begins heading back to the hut when she notices the sun setting. | Hut Return]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Baba Yaga leaves Vasilisa to her sorting once more, hopping into her mortar and pestle swiping away the tracks with her broom. She would be truly surprised if Vasilisa managed to solve Baba Yaga’s hardest test yet.
[[Once more, sunset had fallen and Baba Yaga returned to Rotisserie. | Return Hut Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)Baba Yaga left Vasilisa to her sorting, and hopped into her mortar and pestle, wiping away her tracks with the broom. She was truly surprised at the girl’s determination and prowess throughout the two tests she had already gone through.
Soon, the appearance of red and orange hues in the sky had signaled that the sun was setting.
[[Baba Yaga once again traveled back to Rotisserie. | Return Hut Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)This morning, however, was not the same as mornings past. It was not quiet or serene. Proppy did not tell her to go outside and check on Ivan. He did not have to.
Maria heard yelling outside. She could barely make out her beloved calling out for her to stay inside the hut.
Rotisserie began flapping its shutters in fear, locking the door as tightly as it could.
Then there was banging on the door.
[[And Maria was scared. | Invasion]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#cc7f3b), $rotisserie to "Rotisserie")
(enchant: $rotisserie,_color)Why
“Because!” One of the braver women to the side called out. “We know you plan to infect our Prince with your evil magic! And we refuse to stand for it! Your magic will not invade this kingdom, or any of the kingdoms around us!”
“What? I wasn’t trying to spread anything–I–”
“Take one step closer and we kill you and the Prince.”
Maria turned back to the men in front of her and was met with a blade two inches from her face. Her eyes began to water.
[[“Wha…. Please, just wait–I’ll do whatever you want but please don’t hurt Ivan. He truly didn’t do anything wrong.” | Wrong]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)The men smiled at each other when she said this.
“Yeah, okay… Let us put these chains on you, and then we’ll let the Prince go, yeah?”
“Yes, yes, of course. Please just don’t hurt him.”
Two of the women came over to Maria with chains and placed them tightly around her wrists. Even though she never actually practiced magic herself, it seemed the villagers thought that she did.
“Just so you know, those chains restrict all magic. So, now that you’re harmless, we can get rid of this one…”
[[And they both put their swords up to Ivans neck. | Dead]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Maria manages to keep herself awake for the moment and frowns at the horrible music the Lout is making. But soon the drowsiness starts to take over once more…
[[Go to sleep. | Test Fail Three]]
[[Stay awake. | Test Pass Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Maria looks around the room. An old straw mattress sits on the floor, with no bed frame to be found. The rest of the furniture was scarce and stained horribly.
She counted 7 child-sized skulls along the opposing wall, one stacked upon one another.
[[Go Back| Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)In a certain kingdom, there lived a young maiden named Maria. The maiden lived alone in the Red Woods—that is, the wood where both magical and nonmagical beings dwelled, between the Dark and the White Woods. Although she lived alone, her soon-to-be fiancé, Prince Ivan, often visited with her and stayed the night when he had no duties at the castle. Unfortunately, the kingdom he was set to inherit was vehemently against magic. Both Maria and Prince Ivan believed that magic was not inherently evil, especially when the only thing ‘wrong’ with magic was the fact that it was not Christian. They were often alone in these views, but that never bothered them very much.
[[Until one day… | Hero/Princess START]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)Maria looks around the kitchen at the rotting flesh and bones, attempting to swat flies away. She could count about 17 child-sized skulls among the vast amount of other human bones on the stove and other kitchen furniture. Maria quickly retreated from the room before the sight of rotting flesh made her sick.
[[Go Back| Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)A grunt came from inside, and after a few seconds, the Lout opened the door and stared scrutinizingly at Maria.
“And what do //you// wannnt?” He slurred and swayed.
“Well—my love, Prince Ivan, he’s—“
“Been kidnapped again? Yeah, of course he has.” The Lout waved her off and started to walk back into his hut, not caring that he was stepping on piles of trash.
[[“Wait, can’t you help me? I need to know where they took him!” | Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)Maria looks around the living room, scrunching her nose at the smell of the alcohol and trash haphazardly strewn across the room She counted 3 child-sized skulls amidst the sewage, surprised she was even able to see the sickly yellow sheen of the bones at all
[[Go Back| Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Maria walked up to the door and opened it confidently, met with the smell of alcohol and trash scattered about the hut.
“Uhm…Lout? I need you to tell me where my love has been taken!”
The Lout emerged from the piles of clutter, swaying slightly on his feet. He looked old and disheveled, with gangly limbs and a sour smell. There is a crazed look in his eyes that put Maria even more on edge.
“You barge into my house and expect me to help you? You must have become a comedian, Maria.”
He began to try to push her out of the house, but Maria stood strong.
[[“You’re the only joke I see here. Tell me where my Ivan was taken!” | Test One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Maria walked up to the door and opened it confidently.
“Uhm…Lout? I need you to tell me where my love has been taken! … Again, again.”
The Lout emerged swaying slightly on his feet.
“You barge into my house and expect me to help you again? You really need some new jokes, Maria.”
He began to try to push her out of the house, but Maria stood strong.
[[“You’re the only joke I see here. Tell me where my Ivan was taken!” | Test Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)Maria walked up to the door and opened it confidently, met with the smell of alcohol and trash scattered about.
“Uhm…Lout? I need you to tell me where my love has been taken! … Again.”
The Lout emerged from the piles of clutter, swaying slightly on his feet.
“You barge into my house and expect me to help you again? How is that comedy gig going, Maria?”
He began to try to push her out of the house, but Maria stood strong.
[[“You’re the only joke I see here. Tell me where my Ivan was taken!” | Test Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)“Why, this is actually pretty decent…” Baba Yaga says quietly. It had been a while since she had had such a nicely prepared meal.
“However, this is not enough! For your next task, tomorrow, you will separate this barrel of wheat and poppy seeds. I expect you to do this in due haste before sunset.” Baba Yaga then set a heavy barrel in front of Vasilisa.
“Oh!” exclaimed Vasilisa, “this certainly seems impossible to do, but I will try my best for you, Grandmother.”
[[Leave and come back once the sun is down. | Vasilisa Pass Two]]
[[I’ve had enough of this, I’ll just eat her up. | Vasilisa Is Eaten Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $yaga to "Baba Yaga")
(enchant: $yaga,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#4169e1), $vasilisa to "Vasilisa")
(enchant: $vasilisa,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $gma to "Grandmother")
(enchant: $gma,_color)(set: $boneNo to(prompt:"Tell me Maria, how large is my bone collection?",""))
{(if: $boneNo is "27")[
“Hmph. You can find your Prince in the thrice tenth kingdom. That’s all I’ve got for ya.” And with that, the Lout closed his door on Maria.
[[Great job! |Test Pass One]]
“Wrong!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher One]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)“Wrong!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher Three]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)Maria disregards Proppy’s offer to help, and as a result, continues to only scare the horses away. Eventually, the sun had set and the Lout appeared before her.
“Fail!” The Lout exclaims.
[[Then there was a bang, slap, slam… and he ate up Maria. | Dispatcher Two]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)“Oh, uhm, thank you! The thrice tenth… but wait, how am I to find the thrice tenth kingdom?”
When Maria went to knock upon the door, she heard a voice she couldn’t quite identify.
“Take up the stick of birch with foreign markings to your right. It will show you the way to your destiny.”
Well… the voice sounded similar enough to the Lout, she supposed.
[[Pick up the stick and try to look closer at its markings. | Stick Inspect]]
[[Pick up the stick and make haste to save Ivan. | Stick Screams]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)With Proppy’s help, Maria began to successfully herd the mares.
“Go, go! To the Lout’s house with you!”’ Proppy yelled.
The mares galloped quickly to the front porch of the house before stopping.
The Lout, now leaning against the edge of the entryway huffed at Maria.
“Hmph. You can find your Prince now in the thrice twentieth kingdom. That’s all I’ve got for ya.”
And with that, the Lout went inside and closed his door on Maria.
“Oh, uhm, thank you! The thrice twentieth… that’s quite far! How am I supposed to walk all that way before they do something to Ivan?”
“Look to your left, Maria!” Proppy exclaims. “That hut on chicken legs can take you there!”
[[Walk over to the hut and inspect it. | Hut Inspect]]
(set: _color to (text-color:#b7a2fb), $maria to "Maria")
(enchant: $maria,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $ivan to "Ivan")
(enchant: $ivan,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#1fae34), $prince to "Prince")
(enchant: $prince,_color)
(set: _color to (text-color:#e1ebad), $lout to "Lout")
(enchant: $lout,_color)