Photo of Molly Berrey ’21

Molly Berrey ’21

Art Department Assistant — Atria


After participating in the New York Arts Program and graduating from OWU, Molly pursued a job in publishing. She later attended the NYU Summer Publishing Institute and began a job at Simon and Schuster. She works closely with artists and designers to create book covers.

At Ohio Wesleyan, Molly studied English (Creative Writing) and was involved in Film Club, OWL, and was a Writing Tutor. Molly is interested in supporting students in the English, Film, Communications, and Design fields, and the broader OWU Community with the following:

  • Speaking with a student virtually or on the phone
  • Mentoring a student
  • Assisting OWU Alumni (recent Alumni, or Alumni in transition)
  • Serving as a resume-reviewer for OWU students and/or alumni.
