Photo of Leah Hooks ’14

Leah Hooks ’14

Digital Strategist – Inspire PR Group
Circleville OH


Leah conducts digital work for multiple clients including SEO improvements, website content and sitemaps, social media content curation and ads, Google Ads, digital analytics and stakeholder toolkits. Leah offers strategic direction for companies and leadership on social media and overall digital strategy across various sectors, including clean energy and sustainability, primary and higher education, mental health and animal services.

At Ohio Wesleyan, Leah studied Economics Management, and was a part of Bigelow-Reed Leadership Team, as well as the Economics Management Fellow (EMF) program. Leah is open to supporting the OWU Community, especially students studying Economics Management in the following ways:

  • Speaking with a student virtually or on the phone
  • Presenting to a class in-person
  • Presenting to a student organization
  • Conducting a virtual webinar
  • Assisting OWU Alumni (recent Alumni or Alumni in transition)
