Photo of Brooke Hall ’23

Brooke Hall ’23

Full Time Research Assistant The Kennedy Krieger Institute
Baltimore MD


Brooke Hall graduated from OWU in the spring of 2023. She is currently working as a Full-time Research Assistant at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, MD in their Center for Movement Studies. Brooke’s team works primarily to develop and test rehabilitation approaches to improve movement after stroke and diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. Brooke participates in all the major parts of the research process in this role including recruiting, data collection, data analysis, presentation of results, and preparation of manuscripts.

As a first generation student, she is passionate about helping other students navigate college and enter life after college. She looks forward to being contacted by anyone interested in academia and research, as well as first generation students by:

  • Speaking with a student virtually or on the phone
  • Mentoring a student
  • Assisting OWU Alumni (recent Alumni, or Alumni in transition)
  • Serving as a resume-reviewer for OWU students and/or Alumni
  • Participating in OWU events such as speed networking, mock interviewing, panels, etc.

During her time at OWU, Brooke was involved in the ultimate frisbee team, Honors board, Health and Human Kinetics Student board, Residential Life as an RA, she was a TA for Quantitative Methods and Research Methods, and an administrative assistant at the Early Childhood Center.
