Chef Remy

About the Film      The cute and fun film that was chosen for this project was Ratatouille. Ratatouille is a movie that was written and directed by Brad Bird who took over from Jan Pinkava in 2005. The film was released in the United States on October 12, 2007. It all starts in the…

Nobody here but us servantless American Cooks

Overview Julie and Julia is a film that tells the story of Julia Child, one of the top chefs of the US and who made home dining more accessible, and of a woman, Julie, living in Queens who sets out to cook all of Child’s recipes from her first cookbook. The film explains the life…

Scrambled Lives

Setting:  Big Night takes place in New Jersey during the 1950s.  Characters:  Primo: The oldest brother and head chef. He is very traditional and prideful about his Italian roots. Secondo: The younger brother and financial advisor for the restaurant. He also gives advice to Primo about how to better run the restaurant. Christiano: The busboy…