Mayor of Flavor Town

About the Authors Guy Fieri’s Food is a book was written by Guy Fieri and collaborated with Ann Volkwein. Both are more than qualified to be writing cookbooks or any other culinary writings due to their years in the food industry.     Born in Northern California, titled author Guy Fieri is a chef, restaurateur,…

Beauty and the Shy

Summary                This review will center around the movie “Heavy”, staring Pruitt Taylor Vince as the main character, Victor Modino and Liv Tyler playing Callie as the deuteragonist. Some of the other notable characters are Shelley winters as Dolly Modino or Victors mom, Deborah Harry as Delores, a waitress that works for the Modinos’, and…

Two Corny Boys

Films Main point  The main point of this film was how increased corn production has negatively affected American society.  This film was trying to convey how corn has impacted and evolved American floodways. In a supporting detail, the narrator Ian Cheney quotes… “seventy percent of fructose corn syrup will end up in a soda” –…